Over the years, TechRaptor is constantly evolving our brand, and especially the positions open within our ever-growing team.
Without boring you with the details, we’ve changed our pay (increasing it) almost 20 times over the last 4 years. Every time TechRaptor grows, so does the pay offered to staff. It’s important to us, and our Founder (who takes $0) that the people who make up this group of writers are taken care of to the best of our ability.
Before 2021, all positions within TechRaptor were internal. Certain positions, mainly editorial, will remain internal as we always seek to promote from within - rewarding the loyalty and hard work of the incredible people who work here.
With that said, we also have the ability for freelance gaming writers to also publish content on TechRaptor. So, if the internal position below isn’t a fit for you, we’d still love for you to pitch gaming articles to us!!
TechRaptor Freelancers
- Details on Pay and Doing Freelance Features with TechRaptor
- Details on Pay and Doing and doing Freelance Guides with TechRaptor
TechRaptor “Staff Writer” is a more generalized title we give to our team, although if you prefer to focus on a specific area, we’re happy to change the title for you! In most cases, our Staff Writers cover everything from events and breaking news, to reviews and guides. We’re not going to stop you if you want to dabble all over!
What can I expect from this position?
You’ll be expected to be a self-starter in most cases, but our editorial team does manage Trello boards with ideas that may interest you.
If you're interested in any of the following, this position is for you:
- Reviews & Previews
- Features / Opinion Articles
- Tabletop Gaming Reviews/Features/Previews (Tons of capacity here)
Note: News is handled by an internal news team. That may expand again in 2022.
You’ll be expected to publish 3 articles a month in order to stay an “active” Staff Writer. This helps with projections/keeping our staff list "Active"
How does pay work?
This is a paid position - Staff are paid per-article/video. That pay is sent directly to your bank account 24 hours after publish (1 week for Non-US). Should you apply and be accepted, you'll be given all the rates (Features & Guides public in the links above) to decide if you'd like to move forward.
TechRaptor’s pay is ever-changing, and we’ve raised pay 3 times in the last 12 months. Expect that to continue.
What’s the culture like?
As a company, TechRaptor is dedicated to listening to staff, and lifting each other up. We believe that every piece of feedback is valuable, and as such has implemented a system to allow staff to anonymously respond to surveys, and offer suggestions without any worry. You can choose to attach your name to replies, but if you want to be anonymous - the editorial team has no way of "revealing" who you are, in the spirit of allowing true anonymous feedback.
In addition, we want TechRaptor's company culture to be open, inviting, transparent, and positive. While transparency and openness are handled by our policies of sharing almost everything, including financial information, positivity is best spread throughout the team. Which is why we have a slack bot specifically for praising and cheering each other on!
How to Apply - Staff Writer
To apply, e-mail apply[at]techraptor.net with the following information. Failure to meet the below will result in immediate disqualification.
- Your portfolio and/or 3+ links of content (must be gaming/tabletop) you’ve had published. We don’t need a CV or resume, we’re looking for writing skill rather than past work experience.
- Links to your social accounts (if you have them)
- Tell us about an article you’ve always wanted to write.
- Additional information: Details about you, if you’re interested in specializing in a certain section of the site. Not required.
We're looking forward to expanding our team, and starting to work with Freelance writers in 2021!