Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty uses the concept of flags that serve as bonfires and rest areas. While you're not required to find all of them, they do increase your overall Fortitude and Morale for that level. Here's our guide to help you with all Battle Flags and All Marking Flags in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's Two Chivalrous Heroes mission.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - All Battle Flags and Marking Flags in the Two Chivalrous Heroes
We list down all the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Battle Flags and Marking Flags that you'll find in the Two Chivalrous Heroes mission.
Battle Flag 1 - Automatically available by default at the start of the level.
Battle Flag 2 - You'll soon be introduced to Zhao Yun, so go ahead and beat up some mobs until you see this flag at the end of the sloping path.
Battle Flag 3 - Enter the village and check the front of the tower/gatehouse. It's guarded by a tough bandit.

Marking Flag 1 - From Battle Flag 3, go to the side of the tower and jump on the rooftops. You'll spot this on top of the village's entrance archway.

Marking Flag 2 - From Battle Flag 3, check the houses on the side street for a ledge that you can climb onto. This will let you drop down a roof's opening. The flag is inside the house.

Battle Flag 4 - From the above location, head to the edge of the village. Go up the sloping path to tag this.
Marking Flag 3 - Go past the tower/gatehouse and run through the zombie mobs. At the fork, go right to see a couple of zombies. The flag is on top of the ledges.
Battle Flag 5 - At the aforementioned fork, go left. Then, once you see another rock formation, look off to the side to see a section that you can mantle onto. This leads to a small cave with a demon ogre that's guarding the flag.

Battle Flag 6 - You'll come across this just after taking out Zhuyan, the level's sub-boss.
Battle Flag 7 - This one is guarded by another demon ogre, and nearly half a dozen zombie mobs.

Marking Flag 4 - From Battle Flag 7, look behind you to see a wooden scaffolding. This leads to a tunnel that has the flag.
Marking Flag 5 - From Battle Flag 7, jump on the scaffolding and use the platforms to reach the other side of the temple. You'll see a couple of archers on the platforms, and two more enemies down below. The flag is also here.

And that's it, you've found all the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Battle Flags and Marking Flags in the Two Chivalrous Heroes mission. Up next, we take a look at those that can be found in Valley of the Crying Wraiths.
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