Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty uses the concept of flags that serve as bonfires and rest areas. While you're not required to find all of them, they do increase your overall Fortitude and Morale for that level. Here's our guide to help you with all Battle Flags and All Marking Flags in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's Demon Fort of Yellow Heaven mission.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - All Battle Flags and Marking Flags in the Demon Fort of Yellow Heaven
We list down all the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Battle Flags and Marking Flags that you'll find in the Demon Fort of Yellow Heaven mission.
Battle Flag 1 - Automatically available by default at the start of the level.
Marking Flag 1 - Check the back tunnel in the caves near the start of the level.
Battle Flag 2 - While in the caves, make your way to the left exit and you'll stumble upon this. You can see this on the featured image of this guide.
Battle Flag 3 - Climb the ledges at the side of this area so you can reach the rooftop. This will allow you to take out the archers and wizard, before ambushing the other enemies below. Tag the flag when you're done.
Marking Flag 2 - Inside one of the houses to the left (assuming you're facing the way you came). It's near the house with the Shitieshou Panda. Likewise, there's another Marking Flag on a rooftop, but you won't be able to reach it until you're near the end of the level.

Marking Flag 3 - Head to the back of this area to reach a sloping path. You'll then notice a yard with several wooden structures and various flags. Don't bother with those for now. Instead, keep going along the cliffside to the right. You can clamber on a ledge that has this Marking Flag.
Battle Flag 4 - Take out the demon bird down below to activate this Battle Flag.

Marking Flag 4 - All right, remember that yard with wooden structures? Now is the time to tag the flags in that area. The first one is to the left. You'll have to climb on a tower.
Marking Flag 5 - The second is at the back of this section underneath one of the structures (there's a demon ogre guarding it).
Battle Flag 5 - This Battle Flag is smack dab in the middle of the yard itself.

Marking Flag 6 - For the next two Marking Flags, you'll have to climb the ladders near Battle Flag 5 (or the yard area) so you can reach the temple rooftops. Marking Flag 6 is off the right-hand side. You'll have to drop down a hole on the roof.

Marking Flag 7 - As for Marking Flag 7, you'll have to check the left-hand side. At the back of the temple rooftop, you'll notice a tunnel. Go through it and you'll end up in the village area (the one that you couldn't reach earlier).
Battle Flag 6 - This one is at the top of the steps right before the boss arena.

And that's it, you've found all the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Battle Flags and Marking Flags in the Demon Fort of Yellow Heaven mission. Up next, we take a look at those that can be found In Search of the Immortal Wizard.
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