We've previously covered the Dark Angels, that Warhammer 40K Space Marines Legion synonymous with death, in our coverage of the release of their Primarch, Lion El'Jonson and the recent Deathwing Assault Box. Now, Games Workshop has sent along three units getting their own individual release for the Dark Angels, up for preorder as of this article going live. So let's dive in and take a quick look at these with our Warhammer 40K Dark Angels new release review.
Warhammer 40K Dark Angels - Asmodai, Master of Repentance
Asmodai, Master of Repentance is the chief Inquisitor-Chaplain of the Dark Angels. That means if there's information that needs to be squeezed, he's the one squeezing! He's a Leader who can be attached to many different Squads, and his core stats are:
- Move: 6"
- Toughness: 4
- Save: 3+
- Invulnerable Save: 4+
- Wounds: 4
- Leadership: 5+
- Objective Control: 1
Armed with a Heavy Bolt Pistol and his Crozius arcanum and power weapon -- which sports both a Strike and Sweep option -- his main draw are the effects he has on others around him. His "Exemplar of Hate" ability is wickedly strong, as it reads, "While this model is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, you can re-roll the Hit roll."

Seems pretty good, right? He also has the "Feared Interrogator" ability, which forces Battle Shock tests on enemy Character units, and gains you CP if you kill enemy Characters in melee combat.
There are two different ways you can build this model - one with smoke billowing out of his jump pack and the other without. It should go without saying that I've opted for the smokey version - which just adds to his intimidating mystique.
Warhammer 40K Dark Angels - Inner Circle Companions
Next up are the mysterious Inner Circle Companions.

This Infantry Unit has an interesting note about attachments, which reads: "If a Character unit from your army with the Leader ability can be attached to a Sternguard Veteran Squad, it can be attached to this unit instead." The unit's core stats are:
- Move: 6"
- Toughness: 4
- Save: 3+
- Invulnerable Save: N/A
- Wounds: 3
- Leadership: 6+
- Objective Control: 2
I like that Objective Control being at a 2, as this is an elite unit (the box comes with only three units) that hits hard with its Heavy bolt pistol and Calibanite greatsword (which also has Sweep and Strike options). I really like their special abilities, too. First, there's "Braziers of Judgement" which reads: "While a Character model is leading this unit, each time an attack targets this unit, subtract 1 from the Hit roll." Very fun to think of the smoke from their Braziers obscuring the battlefield. Their second ability, "Enmity of the Unworthy," adds 1 to the Hit roll when they attack a Character unit.

As for the design, I love how they look draped in their robes over armor, and the wispy smoke coming from the above-mentioned braziers is a really impactful effect on the battlefield (even in my unpainted grey).
Warhammer 40K Dark Angels - Deathwing Knights
Finally, let's take a quick look at the Deathwing Knights, who I previously covered a bit in my review of the larger Deathwing Assault box set.

Now these sturdy Knights are being released in their own box set a really powerful melee addition to your fighting forces, with core stats that shape up as follows:
- Move: 5"
- Toughness: 5
- Save: 2+
- Invulnerable Save: 4+
- Wounds: 4
- Leadership: 6+
- Objective Control: 1
As I mentioned in my previous review, their "Inner Circle" ability is the real standout here, as it just automatically subtracts 1 Damage from incoming attacks. It can also teleport like most Terminators, and has the Watcher in the Dark special ability which you can pop to give it Feel No Pain 4+ until the end of a phase.
Stylistically, there's really no model that looks quite like this one. I can't wait to get these guys painted up in the classic beige and forest green of their Legion.

All in all, each of these three units brings something unique to the battlefield. Asmodai is an enemy Character hunter, the Inner Circle hit hard and can hold objectives, and the Deathwing Knights are absolute tanks that are going to be very hard for your opponent to get rid of. When placed within a larger Dark Angels fighting force, its easy to see how they could move the needle for you.
To learn more about the models and pre-order for yourself, head over to Games Workshop's pre-order page.
The models used in the creation of this review were provided by Games Workshop. All photos courtesy of the author.
Review Summary
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