A new Valorant gameplay video is here, and it's all about new Agent Iso, who's a duelist in the truest sense of the word.
As you'd expect from the shooter with stylish Agents like Deadlock and Gekko, Iso looks pretty cool, bringing an aesthetic that's somewhat reminiscent of League of Legends' Aphelios.

His kit seems to revolve mainly around shields; we see him creating a shield, then pushing it outwards, protecting his team as they move forward.
He also appears capable of generating a smaller, localized shield around himself so that he's protected from enemy fire.
Lest you think Iso is only capable of defensive play, however, think again, as we also see him shooting enemies through walls. That's going to feel just a little unfair if you get whacked by it.
Iso seemingly trades strong shielding and gunplay for mobility, so you won't be able to move around quickly or easily with him. He's also not your best bet if you want a healer.
Finally, Iso's ultimate put me in mind of League of Legends' Mordekaiser.
He's capable of dragging an opponent into a pocket dimension where he and they can duke it out. Whoever wins gets to leave the arena, but the loser won't be so lucky.
This mechanic is also reminiscent of Call of Duty: Warzone's Gulag, so you'll be right at home if you've got experience in that game.
Iso will debut in the third act of Valorant's Episode 7, which began all the way back in June. It's currently expected to launch in late October.
We don't yet know what other content the new update will bring, but as well as the new Agent, you can also expect a raft of gameplay tweaks and additions to sharpen up your Valorant experience.
While you wait for the new Agent to debut (and the new Act to arrive), you can play Valorant for free right now on PC.