Our Valheim Ashlands Biome Guide will tell you about all of the enemies, new resources, and interesting locations in this fiery southern Biome.
Exploring the world of Valheim can be quite the challenge and it doesn't get much tougher than the Ashlands biome. This new location introduces powerful siege weapons, a new boss, and a side quest to get a legendary sword. Read on to learn more about the Ashlands!
How to Cross the Ocean in the Ashlands Biome
As with most late-game biomes, you can only get into Valheim's Ashlands Biome by using a Boat. Unfortunately, there are several challenges that you will have to overcome just to get there.
The water surrounding the Ashalnds Biomes is very hot. It's so hot, in fact, that it will gradually damage any of the normal Boats — the Raft, the Karve, and the Longship will be destroyed by the hot water's damage over time before they make it to shore.
You will need to build a Drakkar to survive the hot water. The Drakkar is the largest and newest Boat; it also has a reinforced hull that will not take any damage from the hot water. As a bonus, it also has the most health and the largest storage capacity out of all of the Boats in the game as of the Ashlands update.
The boiling-hot water is not the only challenge, mind — there are also several large rocks that you must pass through, the threat of the Bonemaw Sea Serpents, and attacks from Voltures. Naturally, you'll also have to deal with the
Where is the Valheim Ashlands Biome?
The Valheim Ashlands Biome can be found in the southernmost area of the world; it occupies a crescent-shaped section of the circular world:
The darkened water indicates the "hot" water that will burn up your Boat. The only Boat that can survive this hot water is the new Drakkar Boat that was added in the Ashlands update.
Valheim Ashlands Biome Creatures
- Asksvin
Valheim Ashlands Biome Plants
- Fiddlehead
- Smoke Puff
- Vineberry Cluster
Valheim Ashlands Biome New Items
- Ashvine Seeds
- Ashwood
- Asksvin Bladder
- Asksvin Egg
- Asksvin Hide
- Asksvin Neck
- Asksvin Pelvis
- Asksvin Ribcage
- Asksvin Skull
- Asksvin Tail
- Bell Shard
- Bloodstone
- Bonemaw Meat
- Bonemaw Scale
- Bonemaw Tooth
- Celestial Feather
- Charcoal Resin
- Charred Bone
- Charred Cogwheel
- Charred Skull
- Dyrnwyn Blade Fragment
- Dyrnwyn Hilt Fragment
- Dyrnwyn Tip Fragment
- Fader Relic
- Flametal
- Flametal Ore
- Grausten
- Iolite
- Jade
- Majestic Carapace
- Molten Core
- Morgen Heart
- Morgen Sinew
- Pot Shard
- Proustite Powder
- Sulfur
- Volture Egg
- Volture Meat
Valheim Ashlands Biome Guide | List of Enemies
Here are the enemies you'll find in Valheim's Ashlands Biome:
The Bonemaw is a stronger version of a Sea Serpent that can only be found in the waters leading up to the Ashlands Biome. It's best to avoid it until you've made landfall and established a base, lest you risk losing your new Boat. You can spot it by looking for its glowing spines in the water.
As with Sea Serpents, you can kill a Bonemaw from range using Bows or drag it onto land with a Harpoon. Getting it onto land might be much more challenging, however, since you have to deal with the risk of potentially running into other enemies or environmental hazards.
Charred Marksman
The Charred Marksman will attempt to shoot you with its bow; it has no melee attack that we know of. If you get too close, it will try to back away and increase its distance from you.
Charred Twitcher
The Charred Twitcher moves fairly fast and will throw fiery rocks at you from range. If you get close, it will swing its arm in a melee attack. They are rarely found alone, so expect to fight more than one at a time.
Charred Warlock
The Charred Warlock has two attacks:
- A ranged projectile that explodes into a fiery green vortex.
- Spawning a Summoned Twitcher.
Avoiding the projectile alone is not enough — you need to give it a wide berth so you can avoid the explosion. The vortex will set you on fire, too, so you'll want to do your best to avoid it.
As for the Summoned Twitchers, they act just like any regular Charred Twitcher. Killing the Charred Warlock will not despawn the Charred Twitchers; you'll have to kill them.
Charred Warrior
Charred Warriors can be spotted by looking for their massive two-handed sword. Their attacks have a delay, making it difficult to predict when the hit will actually land.
Fortunately, Charred Warriors are slow. It's best to deal with them from afar if possible, especially if there are other enemies in the mix. If you have to fight them in close-quarters combat, I'd advise that you dodge their attacks and counter-attack.
Fallen Valkyrie
The Fallen Valkyrie is a rare, tough creature that has three attacks:
- Shoot three pink magical projectiles which explode into flames and poison.
- A spinning wing attack.
- A kick.
If you encounter a Fallen Valkyrie, it's a good idea to consider fighting it — you can get the rare Celestial Feather material and use it to craft some powerful items.
Lava Blob
A Lava Blob uses the same AI as Slimes in the Swamps and Growths in the Tar Pits of the Plains. It will hop around and hop directly at you to attack once it has been aggroed. There is, however, one critical difference: the Lava Blob will explode once it makes contact with you or after it's killed.
The Lava Blob is essentially a living bomb. You can get a bit of Proustite Powder if you can manage to kill it from afar. If it explodes, it will do immediate damage and cause a burning effect on you for a short time.
The Morgen is one of the most fearsome enemies in the Ashlands. It has four attacks:
- A rolling sideways dodge that damages anything it hits.
- A swipe with the left hand.
- A swipe with the right hand.
- A jumping bite attack.
Think of the Morgen as the Ashlands equivalent of a Troll
The Skugg is an enemy turret that is mounted on the corners of a Charred Fortress. It will shoot at you from afar unless you manage to get up close to it or destroy it. Fortunately, the Skugg is placed in a static position and you can avoid its fire by taking cover.
The Volture is a flying bird that will attack you in melee if it sees you. Voltures are all over the Ashlands and the hot waters surrounding them. Be prepared to fend them off when you're taking your Boat into the Ashlands for the first time.
Who is the Boss in the Ashlands Biome?
The boss of the Ashlands Biome in Valheim is Fader, who is marked on the map as "The Emerald Flame."
Valheim Ashlands Biome Locations
Here are all of the notable locations that you can find in the Valheim Ashlands Biome.
Charred Fortress
The Charred Fortress is a special dungeon where you can get the items you need to summon Fader, the boss of the Ashlands region. Unfortunately, the gates and walls of the Charred Fortress are extraordinarily tough — you'll need a Siege Weapon to breach them.
Keep your distance from the walls; the spikes on them can damage you. Don't waste your time trying to dig underneath them, either; it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to dig deep enough in order to get into the Charred Fortress' perimeter. Even if you do, you'll still need a Siege Weapon to break into the keep.
You can expect to find Skugg ballista turrets and Charred Marksmen on the walls. Inside, you'll typically find Charred Warriors and at least one Charred Warlock. There are often one or two Charred Chests with loot outside of the central tower.
Inside the tower, you'll usually find at least one more Charred Chest along with a glowing green altar. Destroying this altar will give you one or more Bell Fragments and remove the green beam of energy in the sky; these Bell Fragments are needed to summon Fader. There is a strong chance to find a Vegvisir The Emerald Flame which will lead you to Fader's boss arena.
There are a finite number of Charred Fortresses in the Ashlands and thus a finite number of Bell Fragments. Bell Fragments cannot be crafted, so you can only summon this boss a limited number of times in a world.
Dyrnwyn Blade Altar

The Dyrnywn Blade Altar is where you can get the Dyrnwyn Blade Fragment. This is one of three locations that could be marked by a Vegvisir Mysterious Location in a Putrid Hole. You can also find several Molten Cores surrounding the altar.
This is the only Dyrnwyn Fragment that you can loot at any time without having to destroy a building. However, it is protected by a purple Monument of Torment which will continue to spawn enemies until it is destroyed.
Dyrnwyn Tip Altar
The Dyrnwyn Tip Altar is concealed in a small, square building with a purple Monument of Torment nearby. As with the other Dyrnwyn Fragment locations, you can find a Vegvisir Mysterious Location in a Putrid Hole to precisely reveal it on the map.
You have to destroy the building to get to the Dyrnwyn Tip Fragment; thankfully, you can breach the walls with a Blackmetal Pickaxe. Once you're inside, you can pick up the Dyrnwyn Tip Fragment (and some Molten Cores, too).
Dvergr Camp
The Dvergr Camp is similar to the Dvergr locations in the Mistlands; it has a small group of Dvergrs hanging out inside. They tend to occupy small, square buildings with a Firepit Iron inside, surrounded by several crates and barrels.
Initially, the Dvergr Rogues inside are neutral to you; they will attack any enemy creatures that wander too close to their camp. Destroying any of the crates or barrels in their camp, however, will make them hostile to you.
The crates and barrels in the camp can have Flametal Ore; if you've run out of Flametal Pillars, looting these crates is one of your only options for finding a little more ore.
The Emerald Flame
The Emerald Flame is the arena where you can summon and fight Fader, the boss of the Ashlands Biome. It is a large, circular area surrounded by archways.
This location is fairly open and it's easy for other creatures to wander into the fight; it is highly advised that you kill all of the nearby enemies before fighting Fader.
Flametal Pillar
The Flametal Pillar is one of the most prominent locations to collect Flametal Ore — but that doesn't mean it will be easy to get it. The Flametal Pillar will immediately begin to sink once you've begun to mine it, much like the Leviathans in the Ocean Biome.
Even reaching a Flametal Pillar can be challenging since the bottom of it is submerged in lava. As soon as you start mining, it will rise up out of the ground slightly. It will then begin to sink into the lava, eventually disappearing forever.
Flametal Pillars are best mined with a group of players working as fast as possible and a clear escape route so you can jump off of the Flametal Pillar once it hits the lava.
Monument of Torment
The Monument of Torment is a large stone monolith etched with glowing red runes. It is typically surrounded by several Charred enemies, and it appears that this object will continue to spawn them over time.
Understandably, destroying any Monuments of Torment you find on sight should be a priority. Individual Charred enemies are not all that tough, but they can easily overwhelm you with large numbers if you're not careful.
Putrid Hole
A Putrid Hole is similar to the Troll Caves of the Black Forest, with one notable exception: these terrifying locations are home to a Morgen. Morgens move fast and hit hard, so fighting them in close quarters can be especially challenging.
Critically, Putrid Holes are where you can find a Vegvisir Mysterious Location which will lead you to one of the three Mysterious Locations needed to reforge Dyrnwyn.
Sulfur Arch
The Sulfur Arch is one of the easiest places to get your hands on some Sulfur. All you need to do is break the sulfur that is attached to the underside of the arch.
Tomb of Lord Reto
The Tomb of Lord Reto is home to Lord Reto, a miniboss that you must defeat in order to get one of the broken pieces of the legendary Dyrnwyn Sword. As far as we know, there is only one Tomb of Lord Reto in the whole of the Ashlands, so tracking down this location can be difficult without finding its associated Vegvisir Mysterious Location.
Thanks for reading our Valheim Ashlands Biome Guide. Check out our other guides below!
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