Partners are a crucial part of Cassette Beasts. They’re a constant presence on your adventure, and the characters themselves provide a lot of the story of the game. These characters also provide monsters and buffs depending on your relationship level. Here’s everything you need to know about the Cassette Beasts Partners you can meet on your journeys.
If you're just getting going in Cassette Beasts, check out our starter guide, as well as guides on how to access your tape storage, and what to know about bootleg monsters.
Pros of Partners
Fusing is a helpful mechanic in Cassette Beasts that allows the two on-field monsters to fuse together. This Fusion has extra stats depending on the relationship level between you and your partner.
There are five relationship levels. Each level, starting with one, will grant you +5% attack when you fuse with that partner. You can level up your relationship level by going through their story quest and by battling with them. Some of these are a bit easier than others – for example, Kayleigh’s story quest can be done rather quickly while Eugene’s requires you to see the majority of the map first.
It’s beneficial to level up your relationship level with all the potential partners. You never know when you may need to use one of them, and you want them to be close to your level if you have to battle with them.
Plus, a lot of the story in the game is hidden in these characters and their quests. They’re not only emotional, but they give a lot of insight into New Warrel and what the island has gone through in recorded history.

Romantic Relationships
Cassette Beasts allows you to enter into a relationship with one of the partners. At heart level five, you’ll be asked to spin time with the partner in question. This will eventually prompt a series of responses that hint towards dating the character or keeping things platonic.
For those that want to 100% complete the game, this is an actual achievement. In fact, you’ll need to get all of the partners to level 5 in order to get the achievement (although you won’t need to date all of them).
All Partners in Cassette Beasts
Here are all of the partners you can battle with in Cassette Beasts.

How to Get: Intro of the game
Monster: Sirenade (remastered into Decibelle)
Story Quest: I Ran So Far Away
Kayleigh is the first character you meet in the game, and it’s easy to get attached to her laid-back nature and impressive Sirenade. However, there are other players you may like more, so don’t settle for the first partner you see.

How to Get: Intro of the game
Monster: Clocksly (remastered into Robindam)
Story Quest: Acting On Your Best Behavior
The second partner you’ll meet right at the beginning of Cassette Beasts is Eugene. Eugene’s entire goal is to eradicate the Landlords, a predatory group of people who are definitely not based in reality at all. His monster, Clocksley, may seem lackluster at first, but it turns into a killing machine once it’s remastered.

How to Get: Rumor about Shop Owner
Monster: Kittelly (remastered into Cat-5)
Story Quest: All I Ever Needed
The moody Meredith is one of the most unique partners in the game. Her monster, Kittelly, matches completely, and it’s actually pretty strong compared to other base tape monsters. It becomes even stronger once its remastered, so don’t leave Meredith out. Her story quest is also a great one and brings you to an area with very strong monsters.

How to Get: Rumor About Abandoned Ruins
Monster: Brushroom (remastered into Fungogh)
Story Quest: Don’t You Want Me
Felix has the most powerful monster out of all the partners. Fungogh has access to an incredibly well-rounded kit from the very beginning. Brushroom can be hard to use because of its lack of HP considering its role, but it’s well worth it to raise his relationship level for this alone. Plus, coming to the end of his storyline unlocks another monster, Kuneko.

How to Get: Talk to him in the overworld in Mt. Wirral
Monster: Pombomb (remastered into Spirzfyre)
Story Quest: Come Back and Stay
If you’re ready to cry, then embark on Barkley’s story quest. While he and his monster aren’t very useful, they’re a quintessential part of JRPGs – the fighting animal who shouldn’t be able to fight. All in all, he’s an adorable waste of space that you shouldn’t spend too much time investing in.

How to Get: Rumor about a hero with a cape
Monster: Spirouette (remastered into Regensea)
Story Quest: Everybody’s Looking For Something
Viola is another sob story waiting to happen, but at least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for her. Her monster, Spirouette, is one of the strongest in the partner lineup as well. She’s another solid pick, but you do need to be pretty far into the game in order to unlock her. Additionally, Spirouette can feel weak when you first get it because your other partners will likely be very strong at that point.
That’s all the information about partners in Cassette Beasts that you should know. Now, check out these other guides for more game knowledge.
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