My fellow dice goblins, the latest Power Rangers Essence20 RPG sourcebook, Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook, has been out for a while.
It is the closest thing to a full on Monster Manuel the Essence20 system has received so far, containing tons of interesting tokusatsu threats as well as more tailored threat creation rules for GMs.
And for Essence20 GMs out there, I do highly recommend this book. Not just for how it translates various fan favorite monsters to the system, as well as repurpose characters and elements seen in Heroes of the Grid, but for the wellspring of inspiration those monsters' unique Perks and Powers can spark.
While there is plenty of creativity found in this 303 page book, ten of those threats personally stood head and shoulders over the rest.

10. The Craterites
The Craterites are a somewhat obscure monster from Power Rangers in Space. They are essentially hardlight projections of a training program gone horribly wrong. They are also the first monster in the series to be made up of several smaller versions of itself.
This is reflected in their respective statblocks. A group of Craterites has a Leader among their ranks. At any point in a fight, this Leader can command the swarm to form on them and combine.
Once all the Craterites reach the leader, they turn into a gigantic Craterite Conglomerate.This conglomerate gets various bonuses and extra health based on how many minions make it up.
Not only is it a novel take on a monster of the week, it adds some new dynamics to handling minions and navigating a scene.
Plus, it might just inspire similar hivemind monsters at your own table.

9. The Death Revenants
A Threat from the Boom! Studios comic continuity, the Death Revenants are reanimated dead, made to serve a dark master like the Death Ranger or Necrolai.
They are also the perfect template for having zombies in your campaign. With some reflavoring, they are perfect cannon fodder for Halloween or horror-themed one-shot adventures.

8. The Rinshi Warriors
The elite footsoldiers of Dai Shi from Power Rangers Jungle Fury, the Rinshi Warriors are another minion with a really novel spin.
In addition to a Perk that gives them Edge against targets suffering certain conditions, the Rinshi Warriors can transform into a different Threat once they hit a certain amount of health.
These different forms are also in Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook. There is even a handy chart for GMs to roll.
And with some extra work, it's a wonderful framework for GMs that want to spice up late game encounters against minions.

7. Blobgoblin
Blobgoblin is a great early threat for GMs that want to lean more into playful mischief. His whole gimmick isn't being a direct powerhouse, but being an amorphous blob that can take over electronics, vehicles, and even Zords if given enough time. Like a superhero take on Poltergeist.
It's just the right level of impish and fun that can spice up any table.

6. Dramole
Dramole is a classic Mighty Morphin' monster, one that is great to throw at early to mid game players that might lean too hard on combat stats.
Not only can Dramole burrow through the ground and turn out the lights, he has various attacks and powers that target Willpower Defense. Those same attacks and powers can mesmerize or disorient the team, forcing them to rethink their battle strategy.

5. The Gravezord
Another Boom! Studios original, the Gravezord is exactly what it sounds like. A Frankenstein's monster of various Zord parts cobbled together into a war machine.
Not only is it a powerful mid game threat, it is the perfect template for an evil mech piloted by the bad guys. High defense, solid damage, and it even has some creative hang-ups to help players think outside the box.

4. Kamdor, Master of Miratrix
Operation Overdrive's Kamdor is a peak example of the “dark knight” monster in Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook. An extremely powerful general to the big bad that is characterized by some sort of warrior code of honor.
This nobility can add a lot of character to the usual menagerie of mindless monsters and maniacal despots.
Plus, his Hang-Ups give him just the right level of arrogance to make him novel to face. Whether you use him as is or as a template, Kamdor is a standout.

3. Lord Drakkon and His Forces
Taking number three in this list is the iconic Lord Drakkon from the Boom! Studios comic crossover event, Shattered Grid.
As an endgame Threat, Drakkon is a beast. Not only does he have defenses over 20 across the board, he is more than capable of downing an entire team with just a few attacks.
On top of that, he has his own Personal Power pool, allowing him to mind control teammates and even shut down characters from using their own Personal Power pools.
But Lord Drakkon isn't alone in this book. Every one of his generals and soldiers are also in Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook. The Ranger Slayer, Black Dragon, nine different types of Ranger Sentry, and even some of his war zords all have statblocks.
And since Drakkon is an interdimensional threat, this means you could have his attempt to conquer the world the focus of an entire campaign arc. It's all here, in this book, ready to go.

2. Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd
The absence of the most iconic evil power couple in the franchise from the Power Rangers Core Rulebook has finally been corrected in Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook. And it was worth the wait.
What makes both of them the stuff of legend as endgame Threats are how they showcase this supplement's brand new Sorcerous Magic system. This point-buy system lets you make surprisingly tailored spells, powers, and attacks with the trade-off of some skill tests costing the caster some health.
Rita and Zedd embody this magical cruelty. Massive area of effect blasts. Ongoing auras that inflict conditions and sap Personal Power. And, of course, the ability to instantly make themselves or an ally grow to gigantic size and escalate the battle.

1. The Psycho Rangers
If you are familiar with the Essence20 supplements released for Power Rangers so far, The Psycho Rangers appearing in Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook might surprise you.
The Psycho Rangers already have statblocks. They were introduced in the Across The Stars supplement. In fact, those statblocks were perfect in portraying them in the game.
Well, in Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook, there are rules for making your own Psycho Rangers. All six Psychos have their own Player Roles in this book, all themed around different forms of antisocial or psychotic behavior.
Not only are these rules great for making darker, alternative ranger PCs, it is also a great way to make bespoke GM-controlled PCs as Threats. Want a dark counterpart to the group's outgoing extrovert? The Path of Stone's emotionally dead bruiser is right there. Want to contrast with the empathic caregiver in the group? The Path of Cruelty's sadistic streak works just fine.
The new Psycho Ranger Roles are one of the biggest additions Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook brings to the game, giving not just the GM options for threats, but players options to embrace their dark side as well.
Brand new to the Power Rangers RPG? Grab a digital copy of the Power Rangers Core RPG at DriveThruRPG today!
The copy of Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook used in this article was purchased by the author. All photographs were taken by the author.
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