Our Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicles Locations Map Guide will tell you how Chronicles work, where to find them, and how they can make you stronger.
Quicklinks: What Are Chronicles? | Bird Region Chronicle Locations | Buffalo Region Chronicle Locations
Puma Region Chronicle Locations | Snake Region Chronicle Locations
Bimini Belt Region Chronicle Locations
You're not the first person to visit the Caribbean islands in Survival: Fountain of Youth -- an ancient civilization once lived on that land and they left a lot of artifacts and monuments behind. Discovering these "Chronicles" is the key to making your character more powerful -- read on to find out where the Chronicles are!
What Are Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicles?
Chronicles are remnants of the Bimini civilization that once populated the islands you're on. They'll typically describe a song or some other aspect of their culture.
While there is certainly a story element to these Chronicles, they provide a gameplay benefit as well -- each Chronicle you discover awards you with 1 Perk Point which can then be invested in Survival Abilities.
Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations - Bird Region
Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations in the Bird Region.
Island of Hope Chronicle Locations
- #23 "Song of the Punishment of the Gifted" - A massive mural on the southern end of the island.
- #1 "Song of the Birds" - Next to the observatory in the mountains.
- #15 "Song of the Golden Age" - A gigantic stone head south of the forest.
- #12 "Song of the Great Thirst" - A large, square stone pillar in the eastern area of the mountains.
- #8 "Song of the Fountain" - A wide, broken wall carving. You'll have to find 5 Wall Carving Pieces to collect this one -- check out our guide if you want to find them all!
- #22 "Song of the Wrath of Mortals" - A small, cracked mural on the northern side of the island.
Lonely Rock Chronicle Locations
There are no Chronicles in Lonely Rock.
Sunken Ship Chronicle Locations
There are no Chronicles in Sunken Ship.
Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations - Buffalo Region
Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle locations in the Buffalo Region.
Red Island Chronicle Locations
- #6 "Song of the Great Four and the first 'Stormbreaker'" - A carved face in a stone pillar on the west side of the island.
Windy Island Chronicle Locations
- #9 "Song of the Great Madness" - At the end of the long tunnel complex on Windy Island.
Santa Maria Chronicle Locations
There are no Chronicles on the Santa Maria as far as we know.
Copper Island Chronicle Locations
- #24 "Song of the Last Days" - Within a small cave surrounded by Scorpions. Enter from the southeast of the mountain range.
- #2 "Song of the Buffalos" - Inside of a small temple in the northwest section of the island.
- #13 "Song of the Best People" - A stone tablet embedded in a tree in the middle of the clearing.
Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations - Puma Region
Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations in the Puma Region.
Underwater Temple Chronicles Locations

- #10 "Song of Unity" - Inside the temple on the second level.
Iron Island Chronicles Locations

- #2 "Song of the Pumas" - Through the passage to the left of the interior volcano village.
Foggy Island Chronicles Locations
There are no Chronicles on Foggy Island.
Craggy Island Chronicles Locations

#20 "Song of the Stormbreaker's Divide" - Right at the entrance of the island from the rampway.
Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations - Snake Region
Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations in the Snake Region.
Sulfur Island Chronicles Locations

- #16 "Song of the Immortals Pride" - To get this Chronicle you need to solve the sliding picture puzzle.
- #17 "Song of the Mortals' Uprising" - When entering from the swamp, head to the left along the ridge to find it.
Silver Island Chronicles Locations

- #18 "Song of the War of the Immortals" - In the ruins before the Great Snake's lair.
- #4 "Song of the Snakes"
Crocodile Island Chronicles Locations

- #21 "Song of the Poisoned Wells" - Found a small island with sailor boxes in front of it.
- #11 "Song of the Great Order" - In the top cave after raising the water.
Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations - Bimini Belt Region
Here are all of the Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicle Locations in the Bimini Belt Region.
Bimini Belt Chronicles Locations
There are no Chronicles in Bimini Belt.
Bimini Island Chronicles Locations

- #14 "Song of the Palace of Trials" - Gained when interacting with the Ancient Shrine on the beach near the stairs.
- #5 "Song of Bimini" - A large plaque near an idol pillar.
- #7 "Song of the Journey of Great 4" - To the east of the temple in the lower valley.
- #19 "Song of the Burned Ships"
- #25 "Song of the Hermit" - Earned when opening the door after defeating the final enemy.
That's the end of our Survival: Fountain of Youth Chronicles Locations Map Guide. Have a gander at our other guides below!
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