Nintendo has announced the return of the Splatoween event for Splatoon 3, and there's a spooky question waiting for your answer.
In a post on the official Nintendo X account, the Splatoon 3 team asks you to make friends with one of the following spooky creatures: a zombie, a skeleton, or a ghost.
Specifically, Nintendo wants to know which one you think would make the best friend. You'll then take part in Turf War battles to support your choice.
I've spent an embarrassing amount of time considering this question, but I've decided I'm joining Team Skeleton, because their parties look pretty awesome. Bring it on, Teams Ghost and Zombie.
The event kicks off at 5pm Pacific on October 27th, although Nintendo doesn't say when it finishes. Suffice it to say you'll have a few days to explain your reasoning through family-friendly violence.

As well as picking your new creepy best buddy, the Splatoween 3 event will also bring four new pieces of spooky headgear.
The Undead Head wraps your Inkling's head in mummy-like bandages, while the Swim Reaper piece adds a kraken-like eldritch visage to your character.
The Plankton Walker turns you into a pirate captain (although sadly without your own ghostly crew), and the Bleak Beak is a positively terror-inducing plague doctor mask.
These pieces will be available via the Splatoon 3 channel in your Switch's News feed, so stay tuned for more on that.
Although Splatoon 3 has had several different updates and events since it launched in September 2022, this is the game's first spooky season celebration.
It marks the return of the Splatoween event from Splatoon 2, which also introduced spooky in-game gear, a new main screen, and creepy decorations for Inkopolis.
Here's hoping that more Splatoon 3 seasonal events are on the way. In the meantime, Splatoween kicks off on October 27th.