Steve Jackson Games Stakeholder Report 2019: Staff And Revenue Declines
Steve Jackson Games, publisher of the Munchkin series as well as Zombie Dice, has revealed their financial report for the previous financial year and it's something of a mixed bag.

Alderac Entertainment Group Making Fewer Tabletop Games Moving Forward
Tabletop games designer and publisher Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) will be making fewer games every year. The market for tabletop games has never been stronger and that's usually great for business, but it also carries some risks.

Legend of the Five Rings RPG Review - L5R RPG Core Rulebook and Games Masters Kit
Legend of the Five Rings (popularly known as L5R) was a setting first published in 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG). It was a roleplaying game, collectible card game, and has also had boardgames, a miniatures game, a Live-Action roleplaying game, and a series of tie-in fiction novels produced over its lifespan with AEG.

Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game Preview - Entry Level Roleplaying Done Well
This was going to be a review, but after opening the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game (L5R RPG), it immediately became clear that not only was this a stellar product in terms of components, but that it was an incredible product overall and for RPG beginners and also experienced roleplayers or GMs looking to get into

Legend of the Five Rings LCG Review - The New Dynasty
Legend of the Five Rings (popularly known as L5R) was a setting first published in 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG). It was a roleplaying game, collectable card game and has also had board-games, a miniatures game, a Live-Action roleplaying game and a series of tie-in fictio