The Palia Echoes of the Unknown Quest is an early Main Quest as you make your way through the world, and I'll show you how to unlock the questline in Palia, how to complete the Temple of the Waves, and what rewards you'll get for doing it.
Echoes of the Unknown is a questline in Palia that sees you hunting down ancient technology inside ruins and using all of your abilities and tools to explore and solve the puzzles inside. This temple, The Temple of the Waves, is the first of a few temples you can complete in Palia: Temple of the Roots, Temple of the Gales, and Temple of the Flames can be completed after this one.
How to start the Echoes of the Unknown Quest
Echoes of the Unknown begins once you've found the strange item during the mission "Welcome to Palia". You'll be prompted to speak to Jina, and she'll give you another quest called "Ancient Battery"
Head to the temple marked in Ancient Battery and you'll be presented with a puzzle you need to solve to complete the mission.
How to Solve the Ancient Battery Riddle
The bowl will say "A bowl with rust on the bottom. The inscription has been worn away by time." This isn't much of a clue, so approach the door to read the clue on it:
"Knowledge grows the mind even in times of strife,
To enter here, you must supply that which grows life."

Now there's a few things that grow life, but in this case it's a bowl - so that's water. Pull out your watering can, and fill the bowl until the door opens, and a cutscene plays.
Finally, you'll have to complete the quest "Like a Bird" and unlock the Glider to properly start the Echoes of the Unknown quest. Once that's done, go speak to Jani again at the original temple to begin the quest.
Completing the Temple of the Waves - Echoes of the Unknown Quest
Head into the main part of the ruin to find Jina and Hekla hanging out near the giant chasm in the center of the entrance area.

After speaking to Jina, you can either stand on the rock to the right and glide over to the hole in the wall (pictured above) or play it safe and land on the lower section to the right of the chasm.
Explore this new area to find a lootable chest at the top of some stairs, but mostly just locked doors and cryptic symbols. In one area you should be able to find a patch of bubbling water on the floor. This is a geyser (pictured above) and is how you progress to the upper levels.
To use the geyser, simply stand on it, and it will launch you upwards.

Stand in the geyser for a few seconds and it'll shoot you into the air. Use your glider to land safely on the upper levels of the ruin. Turn around and you should be able to see an obvious slide puzzle at the end of the hall.
Temple of the Waves Puzzle Solution

Head back over to Jina, using the geyser again to get some extra lift to glide over, but on your way glide down to the ledge below her to grab another chest, as well as crossing over (with your glider) to this area nearby to collect a Blue Shiny Pebble.

Once you've spoken to her you'll be given the next part of the questline Vault of Waves.
The Vault of Waves Quest

Head to the marker just south of the previous ruins you were just in. Inside, you'll see Jina and Hekla standing around near a glowing mural. Speak to Jina to learn that this glowing business is a new feature of these ruins.

Head over to the glowing spot in the wall and interact with it to discover the four bundles that you'll have to fill to complete the quest. Head over to our Bundles guide if you want to learn how to quickly and easily get access to all of the materials that you need for each one.
Speak to Jina once you're done and she'll tell you to fill the bundles while she locates the next ruin to puzzle your way through, and that completes the questline.
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