In this Palia Community guide, we'll tell you how Communities work, what they can do for you, and how you can create a Community of your very own!
As an MMO, Palia is meant to be played with other people. After all, why go to all of that effort of building a House and decorating it with cool Furniture if you can't show it off? Communities are a good way to keep in touch with your friends; read on to learn about how they work!
How Communities Work in Palia
A Palia Community is essentially this game's version of a guild. Players can band together to stay in touch, share resources, and play with one another.
Unfortunately, the Community system is somewhat limited for the Open Beta version of the game. Here's what you can do:
- See who in your Community is online
- Communicate in a special Community chat channel
- Invite your Community members to your home or to a party
- Fulfill Requests for your Community members
And that's about it. The Community menu indicates that more features are planned for future updates, but for now, the Palia Community system is pretty much nothing more than a shared friends list at this time.

How to Create a Palia Community
You can create a Palia Community by pressing N and following the simple steps to create one. Keep in mind that you won't be able to change your Community name once you create it, so make sure that you pick something you like!
How to Join a Community in Palia
You can only join a Community in Palia if you are invited by another player. Once you are, you can accept or reject the invitation on the Community menu which you can access by pressing "N."
That's the end of our Palia Community Guide. Have a gander at our other guides below!
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