If you're working to complete the Night Sky Temple mural, this guide will help you with all of the Palia Bundles you need to complete as you finish each temple. We'll help you fill out each of the bundles to complete this main quest objective.
Quick Links: Bundle of the Waves | Bundle of the Flames | Bundle of the Gales | Bundle of the Roots | Completion Reward
How to Unlock Bundles in Palia (Night Sky Temple Mural)
Bundles are a mechanic that you'll be introduced to through the course of the quest "Echoes of the Unknown." If you've not found the mission or are stuck on it so far, then you should check out our Echoes of the Unknown questline guide to find out how to get started.
During the course of the mission that follows, called "Vault of Waves" - you'll be asked to examine a glowing mural. This mural is also where you'll be first introduced to the concept of bundles.
Bundles are collections of items that you need to collect to further an ongoing major questline in Palia. They're split into four different constellations, with each group holding a different number of Bundles.

Bundle of the Waves - Fish Constellation Bundle
The Fish Constellation can be unlocked by completing the Vault of Waves after the Temple of the Waves.
Spooky Bundle Items
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Spooky Bundle:
- 1 Garden Mantis
- Common Bug - can be found near the lake in Kilimia
- 1 Vampire Crab
- Stalking the waters of the Flood Fort in Bahari Bay during the evening and night times
- 1 Mutated Angler
- Rare Fish - Found in Caves, using a worm as bait.
- 1 Void Ray
- Epic Fish - Super rare, and can be found in the Bahari Bay caves, using a glow worm as bait.
Spooky Bundle Reward: 100 Gold. 10 Tuning Fork, 1 Major Hook Time Booster. 1 Minor Rod Health Booster. 1 Major Rod Recovery Booster, 1 Major Safe Zone Speed Booster, 1 Major Safe Zone Size Booster
Beach Bundle Items
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Beach Bundle:
- 1 Green Pearl
- To find a green pearl you're going to have to open a bunch of oysters and get very lucky, so make sure yo bring back plenty from the beaches of Bahari Bay.
- 1 Stripeshell Snail
- Rare Bug - Found along the beaches of Bahari Bay but only at night.
- 1 Blue Marlin
- Rare Fish - Can be caught along coastlines in Bahari Bay, using a worm as bait.
- 1 Sushi
- Sushi is a cooking recipe you can only get by fishing with glow worms.
Beach Bundle Reward: 30 Worm, 30 Glow Worm
Freshwater Bundle Items
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Freshwater Bundle:
- 1 Inky Dragonfly
- Uncommon Bug - Found near the rivers and ponds (but not oceans) of Bahari Bay all day long
- 1 Trout Dinner (Star Quality)
- You'll have to earn your trout dinner recipe by getting Einar to friendship level 3 then visit him in his cave to find the recipe.
- 5 HydratePro Fertilizer
- Purchased for 40 gold at Zeki's General Store.
- 1 Giant Goldfish
- Epic Fish - the Giant Goldfish is an epic catch in any pond but you'll have to be using glow worms to catch it.
Freshwater Bundle Reward: 1 Bouillabaisse, Bouillabaisse Recipe
Magic Bundle Items
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Magic Bundle:
- 1 Fisherman's Brew
- Fisherman's Brew recipe must be purchased from Einar's guild store at fishing level 5
- 1 Enchanted Pupfish
- Uncommon Fish - caught in Kilima Lake using a Glow worm.
- 1 Shimmerfish
- Rare Fish - caught in Kilima Lake using a worm.
- 1 Long-Nosed Unicorn Fish
- Epic Fish - Fish in Bahari Coast with a glow worm during the day.
Magic Bundle Reward: 1 Honey Lure
Reward for Completing the Bundle of the Waves
Completing the Bundle of the Waves will unlock the Something's in the Water Achievement, as well as the notification "You hear something released into the water nearby" - which happens to be the incredibly rare "Ancient Fish" that can be caught in either Kilima Lake, or the Vault of the Waves anytime during the day using Glow Worms.

Bundle of the Flames - Kitsune (Fox) Constellation
The Kitsune Constellation can be unlocked by completing the Quest "A Catalyzing Caper" in the Temple of the Flames.
Flamerod Bundle
Here are the 4 items you need for the Flamerod Bundle:
- 1 Radiant Sunfish
- Rare Fish - Found in Kilima Rivers during the day, using a glow worm as bait.
- 1 Flametongue Ray
- Epic Fish - Found in Kilima Rivers during the morning or day, using a worm as bait.
- 1 Striped Sturgeon
- Uncommon Fish - Found in Kilima Lake during the evening or night, using a worm as bait.
- 1 Dawnray
- Uncommon Fish - Found in the Bahari Rivers during the morning, using no bait.
Flamerod Bundle Rewards: 1 Pyroflow Bobber
Emberseeker's Bundle
You'll need 6 Emberseeker Medallions for this bundle.
Where to Get Emberseeker Medallions in Palia?
Emberseeker Medallions can be found in Bahari Bay in Palia after you've completed the Vault of Flames Quest with Jina, after giving you the first Medallion, Jina will give you a hint about chests being in Bahari Bay with more Medallions.
Emberseeker Medallion Locations Map
Here's a map of where to find each Treasure Chest in Bahari Bay:

- Found in the Thorny Thicket, east of Tamala's House. Find this in the flowing river underneath some protruding tree roots.
- Found directly to the east of the Statue Garden, underneath the remains of a wooden boat.
- After #2, take the fast travel point nearby to Beachcomber Cover. Look to your south and you'll see a curved ruin, behind it is the chest.
- From #3, head northwest to the cave entrance nearby. Head inside until you come to an area with a drop down - fall all the way down and then you'll see some vines in a corner. You can head through these, and down behind the statue to find this chest next to a small pyramid structure.
- The final chest can be found west of Lighthouse Lagoon, under the curved broken structure. You'll find it on the northernmost side, up a ledge and behind a bush.
Emberseeker's Bundle Reward: Emberborn Brazier Recipe
Brightbug Bundle
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Brightbug Bundle:
- 1 Paper Lantern Bug
- Common Bug, found in Bahari Bay during evening and night.
- 1 Bahari Glowbug
- Rare Bug, found in Bahari fields during the evening and night.
- 1 Spitfire Cicada
- Rare Bug, found in Bahari Fields and Forest during the morning and day.
- 1 Firebreathing Dragonfly
- Rare Bug, found in Kilima Fields at any time.
Brightbug Bundle Reward: 3 Supreme Smoke Bomb
Sear-Chef Bundle
Here are the items you'll need for the Sear-Chef Bundle:
- 1 Chapaa Masala
- Purchased from Reth at Cooking Level 8.
- 5 Heat Root
- Rare Foraging Item - Found in Bahari Bay typically in the side of cliffs.
- 1 Phoenixfire Relleno
- Cooking Recipe, Purchased from Reth at level 7 Cooking.
- 1 Dari Cloves
- Found in the Northern Part of Bahari Bay. Extremely Rare foraging drop.
Sear-Chef Bundle Reward: Spicy Rice Cakes Recipe
Reward for Completing the Bundle of the Flames
Completing the Bundle of the Flames will unlock the Something's in the Garden Achievement, as well as the notification "you receive a home for a familiar visitor" and the "Ancient Rock Garden" which once placed at your house will have a Kitsuu visit you daily at 12:00a to leave you a gift.

Bundle of the Gales - Bird Constellation
The Bird Constellation can be unlocked by completing the Quest "Silver-Winging It" in the Temple of the Gales.
Fairywind Bundle
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Fairywind Bundle:
- 1 Jewelwing Dragonfly
- Epic Bug - Found on the Cliffs above Pavel Mines in Bahari Bay
- 1 Gossamer Veil Moth
- Rare Bug - Found in the Kilima Fields during the evening and night.
- 1 Golden Glory Bee
- Rare Bug - Found in the Kimila Fields during morning and day.
- 1 Rainbow-tipped Butterfly
- Epic Bug - Found in Bahari Fields during the morning and day. (Writer note: Best place/time is 3:00am in Pulsewater Plains and Hideaway Bluffs. Use a Buzzy Jar)
Fairywind Bundle Reward: 3 Buzzy Jar, 1 Honey Lure
Cloudcurrent Bundle
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Cloudcurrent Bundle:
- 1 Rainbow Trout
- Uncommon Fish - Caught in Kilima Rivers at anytime with no bait.
- 1 Thundering Eel
- Rare Fish - Caught in Bahari Rivers at any time, using a worm as bait.
- 1 Giant Kilima Stingray
- Epic Fish - Caught in Kilima Lake during Morning, Day, or Evening, using a glow worm as bait.
- 1 Stormray
- Rare Fish - Caught in Bahari Rivers during the morning or evening, using a glow worm as bait.
Cloudcurrent Bundle Reward: 2 Major Hook Time Booster, 2 Major Rod Recovery Booster, 2 Major Safe Zone Speed Booster, 2 Major Safe Zone Size Booster
Stormseeker's Bundle
You'll need 6 Stormseeker Medallion to complete this bundle. The first Medallion you'll get from Zeki upon completion of the Vault of Gales quest. The other 5 are found in Bahari Bay, inside chests. See the map below for locations.
Stormseeker Medallion Map:

- Found on top the broken bridge, south of the flooded steps.
- Found on the cliff above entrance to Pavel Mine near the geyser, hop on the geyser and you'll see this to your west.
- On a ledge just under the west side of the bridge leading to the old Lighthouse.
- Drop underneath the Windy Ruins, and then down one more level - you'll find a wall covered in leaves you can move through. The chest right there isn't the right one, so drop behind that statue nearby, and you'll find the chest here.
- Take a geyser up from the previous chest, and find this out in the open of the ruins, right by one of the Phoenix Statues.
Stormseeker's Bundle Reward: Emberborn Bookshelf Recipe
Pie in the Sky Bundle
- 1 Crab Pot Pie
- Purchased from Reth.
- 1 Apple Pie
- Found in Delilah's Room, after reaching Friendship Level 3.
- 1 Blueberry Pie
- Purchased from Reth.
- 1 Shepp's Pie
- Purchased from Reth.
Pie in the Sky Bundle Reward: Mushroom Quiche Recipe
Reward for Completing the Bundle of the Gales
Completing the Bundle of the Gales will unlock the Something's in the Sky Achievement, as well as the notification "What kind of Visitor may come to your tree?" along with a Young Silverwing Nest you can plant in your plot, and 5 Apple Jam.
Planting the Silverwing Nest will get you a daily gift that arrives after server reset.

Bundle of the Roots - Galdur (Robot) Constellation
The Galdur Constellation can be unlocked by completing the Quest "Secret Depths" at the Temple of the Roots.
Fruits of the Earth Bundle
Here are the items you'll need for the Fruits of the Earth Bundle:
- 1 Muujin Bahari
- Cooking Recipe: Earned from Reth after completing "Fit for a Watcher" and starting "Your Order is Served"
- 1 Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms
- Cooking Recipe, found on a small table in the kitchen of the Daiya Farmhouse north of Kilima.
- 20 Apple
- Farmed using Apple Trees. It takes harvesting 2 trees to get 20.
- 20 Brightshroom
- Found around Bahari Bay - Rare.
Fruits of the Earth Bundle Reward: Recipe: Stuffed Tomatoes
Creatures of the Abyss Bundle
Here are the 4 items you'll need for the Creatures of the Abyss Bundle:
- 1 Stonefish
- Common Fish - Found in Caves using a Glow Worm as bait.
- 1 Hypnotic Moray
- Rare Fish - Found in Caves using a Glow Worm as bait.
- 1 Ancient Amber Beetle
- Epic Bug - Found in Bahari Forest anytime.
- 1 Leafstalker Mantis
- Rare Bug - Found in Bahari Forest anytime.
Creatures of the Abyss Bundle Reward: Galdur's Bait
Rootseeker's Bundle
You'll need 6 Rootseeker Medallion to complete this bundle.
Where to Get Rootseeker Medallions in Palia?
Rootseeker Medallions can be found in Bahari Bay in Palia after you've completed the Vault of Roots Quest with Einar, after giving you the first Medallion, Einar will give you a hint about chests being in Bahari Bay with more Medallions.
Rootseeker Medallion Map:

- In the Thorny Thicket, this is underneath the arrow - in a small cave next to the bottom of the waterfall.
- In the Flooded Fortress, you'll find this between two broken walk ways on a pillar. You can either climb up the pillars, or just use your glider and drop onto it.
- From the second chest, head east in the Flooded Fortress and into the hole in the wall on your right to go into Pavel Mines, just before the temple of the flames. Turn to your right after you enter and drop under the fishing dock to find this.
- From the previous chest, head out of the mines and towards the Lighthouse - facing the entrance head left past the first set of stairs, and then you'll find this chest under the second set.
- From the previous chest, glide down towards the hole in the wall to your NorthEast. Through the hole, head right and all the way to the shore to find this chest nestled up against the edge of the water and the ruins.
Rootseeker's Bundle Reward: Emberhorn Reed Planter
Prospector's Pal Bundle
You'll need these items to complete the Prospector's Pal Bundle:
- 1 Emerald
- Found while mining Copper Nodes in Kilima Valley.
- 1 Jasper
- Found while mining Stone Nodes in Kilima and Bahari Bay.
- 3 Gold Bar
- Found while mining Iron Nodes in Bahari Bay.
- 20 Palium Bar
- Palium Nodes can be found in Bahari Bay at any time, requires a Fine Pickaxe.
Prospector's Pal Bundle Reward: Emberhorn Floor
Reward for Completing the Bundle of the Roots
Completing the Bundle of the Waves will unlock the Something's in the Water Achievement, as well as the notification "You receive a familiar devicei" - which is the Ancient Galdur Statue. Once you place the Ancient Galdur Statue on your plot, every day after 12:00a you'll receive a random seek to farm with!
What do you get for completing all Palia Bundles?
After unlocking all 4 vaults (not completing the bundles) by completing the Temple of the Waves, Temple of the Flames, Temple of the Gales, and Temple of the Roots - a cutscene will play for you, as the room lights up and a cylinder of light appears in the middle of the Night Sky Temple, with the outline of a Staff in the middle.
After completing all of the Vaults, you'd expect something to change - and that's where the Strange Things Afoot quest comes in.
Strange Things Afoot Quest
Once you return to the Night Sky Temple, speak to Jina and receive the "Strange things Afoot" Quest - and you'll have to "Wait to hear from Order" now.
To proceed further, you'll have to complete the series of quests about The Order, meet Subira for the first time, and then complete the quest "Extravagant Expectation" where you'll meet Subira at the Inn. Head upstairs and talk to her in her room to complete that quest, after which Subira will be the one that reaches out to you - you just have to finish the initial line of quests.

A few days after you've completed Extravagant Expectations, as well as unlocked all Vaults - Subira will come to visit you. She's looking to work with you on the next steps of this quest.
Unfortunately, this is where Strange Things Afoot currently ends, but we should find out what the next steps are with the game's next story update.
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