Our Nightingale Card Unlocks Guide will tell you how to unlock cards, how cards work, and what you need to do to craft more cards!
Traveling to other Realms in Nightingale requires special Cards, and the best way to get those is to find the right resources and craft them yourself. Read on to learn everything you need to know about Cards!

How Cards Work in Nightingale
Cards are tools used to visit other Realms in Nightingale or affect existing Realms. Generally speaking, you'll need at least two Cards to open a Portal and visit a new Realm.
Opening a Portal or using a Realmic Transmutor will consume a Card. You'll need to craft or loot new Cards to open additional Portals.
Card Types, Explained
There are four types of Cards in Nightingale:
Biome Cards
Biome Cards set the Biome for a Realm. They are one of two cards required for opening a Portal.
Major Cards
Major Cards set the Difficulty of a Realm. They are one of two cards required for opening a Portal.
Minor Cards
Minor Cards can affect the status of a Realm you are currently in. These effects can include increasing or decreasing the gravity, increasing the amount of loot you get, reducing crafting time, and more.
Address Cards
Address Cards will take you to a specific Realm. The sole example of this mechanic is the Estate Address Card which can take you to the Estate Realm of the player who crafted it and gave it to you. Similarly, you can craft Estate Address Cards and give them to other players and allow them to visit your home Realm, even if you're offline.
How to Unlock More Cards
There are two ways to unlock more Cards in Nightingale:
- Purchase new Card recipes from Essence Traders.
- Complete Quests.
Generally speaking, Major Cards are unlocked by reaching a certain Gear Score and clearing a Site of Power. As for Minor Cards, the vast majority of them are purchased from Essence Traders as far as we can tell.
You don't need a crafting recipe to get a Card; Cards can be found as loot at Points of Interest in a Realm. However, you will not have the ability to reliably produce Cards on your own without the crafting recipe.
How to Craft Cards
You can craft Cards at a Simple Enchanter's Focus. At the minimum, you'll need a Simple Saw Table to make Paper and a Simple Mortar Station to make Ink. Additionally, some Cards require you to spend Essence.

Nightingale Card Unlocks List
Here is the list of all of the Cards we've unlocked so far along with a description of their abilities, how to unlock them, and what it costs to craft them.
Abeyance Card
Play this card to seek a Realm of minimal danger, suitable for the construction of an Estate.
Not even Nightingale's oldest magickians have been able to trace the origins of this card. The image imprinted upon the paper brings intense loneliness to mind.
10 Common
Applies Effects
Makes Realm an Abeyance Realm at Difficulty 10.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Complete the tutorial.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink
Amphibious Card
Play this card to increase your swimming speed, resistance to disease, and ability to recover stamina while in water.
Though this card is made of naught but dry paper, an absent touch leaves the skin feeling as slick as a frog's back with all their affinity for bog and bayou.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Slight Swim Speed Increase, Slight Stamina Regen Increase While Wet, Modest Disease Resist Increase, The sky is overcast but the temperature is perfect for swimming.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 5 T1 Dust at a Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Angler Card
Play this card to improve your fishing skill and yield, hiding you from hostile sight while fishing.
Soft parchment invoking soft gentle waves, this card offers the tranquility of undisturbed leisure by the water's edge, with a bounteous catch at day's end.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Slight FIshing Increase, Realm's Fellow Increased fishing yield. It is bright and will not rain, with few clouds in the sky.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 30 Essence Dust at Abeyance Essence Trader
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Antiquarian Card
Play this card to seek a Realm of middling danger, settled by Druids and rife with Fae ruins.
It is believed that long ago the Fae favoured Antiquarian Realms. Traces of their mischief and guile linger in the puzzling ruins left behind, which far surpass human ingenuity.
20 Common
Applies Effects
Makes Realm an Antiquarian Realm at Difficulty 20.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Reach 20 Gear Score and kill the boss in the Antiquarian Site of Power in an Abeyance Realm.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Artisan Card
Play this card to improve the durability of crafted items and have crafting stations always augmented by the ideal environment, regardless of placement.
For a struggling craftsman unable to master their art alone, this card offers a fine solution. Where human hands falter, let the Realm take hold, improving your work effortlessly.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Refinement time is decreased by 10 seconds (minimum refinement time is 3 seconds), Refinement time is increased by 15 seconds, Crafted Tool items have Durability++. Crafted Clothing items have Durability++.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlocked for 10 T1 Essence at a Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
Astrolabe Card
Play this card to seek a Realm of moderate danger, populated by the Calcularia and the ruins of humanity's Realmic airfields.
Astrolabe Realms gave rise to the theory that Faewild skies are linked to the Demiurge. They are favoured by the Calcularia, who long to harness powers beyond humanity's grasp.
30 Common
Applies Effects
Makes Realm an Astrolabe Realm at Difficulty 30.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Reach 30 Gear Score and kill the boss in the Astrolabe Site of Power in an Abeyance Realm.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Cleansing Card
Play this card to remove all minor card effects from a Realm.
Slippery like soap, this card yearns to be played. It rejects the domination of one's will over the landscape and Spirits, promising a swift return to the Realm's most natural form.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Removes all minor card effects from a Realm.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 10 Essence Dust
Desert Card
Play this card to seek a Realm of arid desert.
Bygone Geoarcanists frequented deserts, relishing sunlight playing across the sands to give the illusion of unending horizons. Long ago forsaken by the Fae, yet vestiges remain.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Makes Realm a Desert Biome.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Complete the tutorial.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink
Dragon's Hoard Card
Play this card to grow the content of chests and grant a chance to find rare gems, while lowering your damage resistance.
Beckoning like a fairy tale of old, this card is irresistible in its air of danger, intrigue, and untold riches ready to be plucked by [a] valiant knight from the lair of the most legendary beast.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Slight Increase to Damage Taken, More items found in chests, and a chance to find rare gems. There are vibrant clouds in the sky, while the sun and moons look brightly coloured.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 5 T1 Essence at a Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Duelist Card
Play this card to increase the damage you deal as well as the damage you receive.
A dangerous gambit is offered by this card. The power to decimate your foes in exchange for great weakness. One who is never struck, it goads, needs never fear.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Significant Damage Increase, Slight Increase to Damage Taken, There is a celestial aurora in the sky and the temperature is cool.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 5 T1 Essence at a Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Estate Address Card
Play this card to go directly to a specific player's Abeyance Realm. Gift to other players to allow them to visit your Estate while you are offline.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Sets Portal to the Estate Realm of the player who created the Estate Address Card.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 30 Essence Dust at Abeyance Essence Trader
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink
Explorer Card
Play this card to travel more quickly, improving your resistances to most forms of damage while reducing the damage you can deal.
Loved by the faction whose name it bears, this card grants the gift of adventure. Unfettered by trivial concerns, travel far and wide to see all these wilds have to offer.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Slight Move Speed Increase, Slight Heat Resist Increase, Slight Cold Resist Increase, Slight Decrease to Damage Taken, Modest Damage Decrease, Day is always sunny and night is always clear.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 30 Essence Dust at Abeyance Essence Trader
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Feast Card
Play this card to prolong the effects of a meal, grow hungry more slowly, and heal more quickly.
The Realms threaten many with hunger and starvation, but it need not be so. This card helps keep the stomach satisfied, no matter how far away the next meal.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Moderate Food Duration Increase, Modest Health Regen Increase, Modest Hunger Rate Decrease, The season is spring.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 30 Essence Dust at Abeyance Essence Trader
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Forest Card
Play this card to seek a Realm lust with forest.
The first discovered Realm was a lush forest, misleading Redcrosses Knights into believing the Faewilds were analogous to Earth's habitats. How wrong they were.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Makes Realm a Forest Biome.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Complete the tutorial.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink
Hunter Card
Play this card to increase the yield gathered from slain creatures while increasing the damage you deal to weak points and decreasing your damage dealt elsewhere.
Striking with precision promises the greatest rewards for a prolific hunter. This card calls out to those who would conquer the beasts of these wilds, urging them to take aim.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Slight Weakpoint Damage Increase, Slight Non-Weakpoint Damage Decrease, Increased yield gathered from slain creatures. The environment is dull and muted.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Crafting Recipe
Maleficiate Apogean Card
Play this card to plunge a Realm into eternal night, greatly increasing the yield of the Bound's resources, but dealing consistent damage to you over time.
The familiar sting of the Bound's Maleficium emanates from the parchment. It promises to call the swarm, filling the air with their blight that you might coat the land with their innards.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Constant Damage, Enemies are much more likely to drop rare materials, Night is perpetual, cloaked in red fog, with an atmosphere of evil.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Crafting Recipe
Maleficiate Card
Play this card to plunge a Realm into eternal night and increase the yield of the Bound's resources.
Blackest ink seems to call out to the Bound beyond, urging them forth. Once alerted to your presence, they will gladly oblige.
Applies Effects
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlocked for 10 T2 Essence at a Desert Gloom Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
Swamp Card
Play this card to seek a Realm of swamp and moor.
Boots sinking into muck. An image known by all Realmwalkers who've tread the swamps. This card seems to stare at its keeper, like a creature lurking in the mire.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Makes Realm a Swamp Biome.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Complete the tutorial.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink
Thinned Veil Card
Play this card to move more quickly, leap safely to great heights, and use stamina more efficiently.
One look at this airy parchment forces a childlike smile. Thoughts fill the mind with drifting, floating, feeling light as air after each bounding leap.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Slight Move Speed Increase, Modest Stamina Efficiency Increase, Slight Jump Velocity Increase, Slight Durability Drain Increase, Space is slightly visible in the sky at all times.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlocked for 5 T1 Essence at a Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Treasury Card
Play this card to increase the chance of finding Essence.
Ink shimmering like gold, this card offers wealth in a new and volatile marketplace. Essence, highly valued by those of all creeds, can be yours in abundance should you will it.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Increased chance to find essences. The sky is a shimmering purple, with celestial features, and the temperature is cool.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 5 T1 Essence at a Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
Weighted Card
Play this card to increase the damage you deal and the efficiency of your harvesting while weighing down your body and limiting the efficiency of your stamina.
This card seems to sit heavy in one's pack, slipping out of any deck to fall below. Once retrieved, the power it offers is undeniable, if oppressive.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Slight Fall Velocity Increase, Slight Jump Velocity Decrease, Slight Stamina Efficiency Decrease, Slight Melee Damage Increase, Slight Harvesting Power Increase, There are celestial bodies in the sky, easily visible to the naked eye.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlock for 5 T1 Dust at a Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
1 Paper, 1 Ink, 25 Essence Dust
Weighted Eminent Card
Play this card to increase the damage you deal and the efficiency of your harvesting while weighing down your body and limiting the efficiency of your stamina.
This card seems to sit heavy in one's pack, slipping out of any deck to fall below. Once retrieved, the power it offers is undeniable, if oppressive.
0 Common
Applies Effects
Modest Fall Velocity Increase, Modest Jump Velocity Decrease, Modest Stamina Efficiency Decrease, Moderate Melee Damage Increase, Modest Harvesting Power Increase, There are celestial bodies in the sky, easily visible to the naked eye.
How to Unlock Crafting Recipe
Unlocked for 10 T2 Essence at a Swamp Gloom Essence Trader.
Crafting Recipe
That's the end of our Nightingale Card Unlocks Guide. Check out our other guides below!
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