The latest News about Paizo Publishing

Promotional image for the backerkit campaign of Project Dastan, featuring a set of fantasy maps on an office desk.

KP Upadhyayula Launches Project Dastan, An Indian-Focused Actual Play, on Backerkit

Today, performer and cultural consultant KP Upadhyayula launched a crowdfunding campaign for Project Dastan. It is an ambitious project designed to uplift diverse voices within nerd culture.…

July 9, 2024 | 04:05 EDT

A promo image of PaizoCon 2024 showing the Paizo Golem with a headset on.

Everything New Announced at PaizoCon 2024

This past weekend, Paizo Inc. held PaizoCon 2024. This online convention is dedicated to beloved fans of the Pathfinder and Starfinder series, featuring developers discussing upcoming products and…

May 28, 2024 | 04:10 EDT

A promotional image of Pathfinder War of Immortals, showing a warrior wielding a blade in the middle of storm clouds raining blood.

Pathfinder War of Immortals Event Announced by Paizo

Paizo Inc. has announced a major change in the fantasy world of Golarion. Pathfinder War of Immortals is a new widespread meta event for the fantasy TTRPG, one that will explore the ramifications,…

April 17, 2024 | 04:35 EDT

Artwork from Starfinder, featuring multiple alien creatures including goblins, skittermanders, elves, and dwarves

Paizo Reveals New Pathfinder Books Coming To GenCon 2024

We are two months into 2024 and major tabletop publishers are already making plans for GenCon. One of those publishers is Paizo, the developer of Pathfinder and Starfinder. For the upcoming GenCon…

February 2, 2024 | 07:38 EST

Promotional image from Pathfinder Organized Play, showing a group of younger adventurers around a table rolling dice and cheering.

Paizo Makes Things Easier For Younger Players with Pathfinder All Ages Label

Introducing kids to TTRPGs can be difficult. There are approachable TTRPGs like Kids on Bikes but making tailored experiences takes time. In mainstream terms, Dungeons & Dragons can be intense…

January 11, 2024 | 03:43 EST

A promotional image of a physical compass from the Pathfinder Wayfinder Compass Kickstarter

Own a Piece of Golarion With The Pathfinder Wayfinder Compass Kickstarter

A new crowdfunding campaign has gone live. Type 40, an Australian company known for making leather journals and props for Call of Cthulhu, has launched their Pathfinder Wayfinder Compass Kickstarter…

December 28, 2023 | 03:18 EST

Cover artwork of Pathfinder Second Edition Lost Omens Legends, featuring a group of adventurers and an undead looming behind them.

Pathfinder Second Edition Legacy Bundle Brings Golarion To Humble Bundle

Paizo has announced another Pathfinder book bundle on Humble Bundle. The aptly named Pathfinder Second Edition Legacy Bundle will provide players with books from an earlier version of the popular…

December 7, 2023 | 06:50 EST

The logo for Paizo Inc, featuring character artwork from Pathfinder and Starfinder

Paizo and Natural Pengu Partner Up, Bringing Pathfinder Remastered to VTTS

Recently, Paizo Inc. has announced Pathfinder Remastered. Essentially, a reprint of the latest edition of their fantasy RPG, but now more in line with their ORC license. Now, that touched-up TTRPG is…

November 6, 2023 | 06:42 EST

Paizo Key Art and Pathfinder Player Core Book

Pathfinder Creator Paizo Announces Prices Hikes & Sustainable Paper

Today Pathfinder and Starfinder creator Paizo had news to share about two rather relevant topics, pricing and sustainability.  In a press release shared with TechRaptor, president Jim Butler…

October 18, 2023 | 06:35 EDT

The logo for Paizo Inc, surrounded by artwork from both Pathfinder and Starfinder.

Pathfinder Updates Revealed by Paizo President

Changes are coming to Paizo. The tabletop publisher, most well known for TTRPGs Pathfinder and Starfinder, has been busy recently, as a company and as a creative team. As part of these projects, the…

July 20, 2023 | 04:09 EDT

Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults

Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults Is Finally Fully Funded on Kickstarter with 8 Days to Go

Today, the upcoming Pathfinder game Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults has finally reached its funding goal on Kickstarter. The game is a classic Co-op Hack and Slash title based on Paizo's popular…

June 21, 2023 | 04:17 EDT

Paizo's Open RPG Creative License (ORC) Art

Pathfinder Creator Paizo Releases First Draft of Open RPG Creative License & Asks for Feedback

Paizo, well known for the Pathfinder tabletop system, has released the first draft of its Open RPG Creative License (ORC).  The draft is a 4-page document available on Paizo's own website and it's a…

April 7, 2023 | 10:02 EDT

Paizo Open RPG License Pathfinder

Pathfinder Creators Stay the Course on ORC License Despite WOTC's OGL Retraction

Following an industry-shaking series of leaks about its intentions to create a new OGL which would have seriously limited independent creators' ability to generate and monetize content using D&D'…

January 28, 2023 | 11:46 EST

Official artwork from the Pathfinder one-shot adventure Sundered Waves

[Updated] Paizo Discontinues Pathfinder One-Shot Adventures

No more Pathfinder one-shot adventures are in production. Paizo Publishing is one of the most notable tabletop publishers in the industry. Their own take on a heroic fantasy TTRPG has continued to…

October 11, 2022 | 03:50 EDT

Promotional artwork from Pathfinder Strength of Thousands adventure path

Pathfinder Strength of Thousands Bundle Brings Aid to Children

Paizo and Humble Bundle have partnered once more for the Pathfinder Strength of Thousands bundle. The tabletop publisher has continued to be a healthy competitor in the TTRPG space due to its ongoing…

September 13, 2022 | 03:36 EDT

A group of space pirates running away from an explosion

Starfinder: Pirates of Skydock Brings Space Goblins This August

Back in January, Paizo Publishing announced that they would be working with Gale Force Nine to make board games based on Pathfinder and Starfinder. This announcement included Pathfinder: Level 20, a…

April 25, 2022 | 02:45 EDT

A group of adventurers going through a dungeon.

Paizo Pathfinder Humble Bundle Fights Censorship

Paizo Publishing has gained a certain reputation around the tabletop gaming community. The publisher's flagship TTRPG, Pathfinder, was made in direct response to the backlash of Fourth Edition of…

March 14, 2022 | 02:59 EDT

Pathfinder Board Games Gale Force Nine Paizo cover

Pathfinder Board Games Coming from Gale Force Nine

A Starfinder board game and two Pathfinder board games are coming from Gale Force Nine in 2022, bringing Paizo's pen-and-paper RPGs to a new format later this year. Pathfinder is a pen-and…

January 28, 2022 | 01:53 EST

The title of Pathfinder Arena on a scorched background

Fight For Glory in Pathfinder Arena

The world of tabletop gaming has a brand new curiosity on its hands. A brand new, officially licensed board game based on Paizo Publishing's tabletop RPG, Pathfinder Arena, is now being crowdfunded.…

November 23, 2021 | 02:58 EST

A group of adventurers fighting a dragon in Pathfinder

Paizo and Demiplane Announce Pathfinder Nexus

As the world of tabletop RPGs continues to change and adapt to the times, certain developments are inevitable. Digital tabletop platforms and online compendiums of RPG supplements are increasingly…

October 25, 2021 | 01:03 EDT

Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite - Site Art

Paizo Announces Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinity Platform for GMs To Sell Supplements

Paizo, creators of Pathfinder and Starfinder, has announced a brand new service for GMs. Pathfinder Infinite and Starfinder Infinite are two new platforms that will allow GMs to make money from their…

September 16, 2021 | 05:07 EDT

A crew of adventurers in Starfinder

Paizo Announces Playtest for New Starfinder Class

Paizo Publishing have continued their ongoing support for their fantasy RPG Starfinder. Simply put, this RPG is set in the far future of the company's own original fantasy setting,…

August 10, 2021 | 02:35 EDT

The box art for Pathfinder Arena

Pathfinder Arena's Rulebook Available Digitally For Free

Carrying on in the 2021 tradition of online conventions, Paizo Publishing gave some vital updates to their upcoming board game Pathfinder Arena at this year's online Paizocon. The official…

June 16, 2021 | 03:30 EDT

Pathfinder Savage Worlds cover

The Pathfinder Universe Comes to the Savage Worlds Tabletop RPG

A Pathfinder Savage Worlds Core Rulebook has launched on Kickstarter and there's still plenty of time to pick up a copy for yourself before it arrives later this year. Pathfinder is a…

January 20, 2021 | 04:12 EST

Gun and Gears Playtest - Key Art

Pathfinder Announces Guns and Gears Playtest

Piazo, creators of tabletop RPG Pathfinder, are running a playtest to potentially add two new character classes to the game in an upcoming sourcebook. The Guns and Gears playtest will last until…

January 6, 2021 | 10:04 EST

Starfinder Alexa Skill. Photo c/o Paizo

Paizo Brings Starfinder Tabletop RPG To Alexa

Paizo, the company behind the tabletop RPG Pathfinder, just announced they're bringing their sci-fi themed tabletop roleplaying game, Starfinder, to the audio/digital world as an Amazon Alexa skill (…

December 11, 2019 | 12:30 EST

pathfinder paizo core book cover

Paizo Announces Free Day Adventures for Pathfinder, Starfinder, Pathfinder ACG

In celebration of Free RPG Day, Paizo announced a set of adventures for their tabletop games. Snag free adventures for their Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game products this…

June 13, 2019 | 08:40 EDT

pathfinder paizo core book cover

Pathfinder Second Edition Announced by Paizo

Yesterday, Paizo Inc. announced that their long-running Pathfinder Tabletop Game will be getting a second edition. Paizo announced that an open playtest for the new edition of Pathfinder will begin…

March 7, 2018 | 12:09 EST

Starfinder Miniatures headliner

Starfinder Minis Kickstarter Launched by Paizo and Ninja Division

Today, Paizo Games and Ninja Division Publishing have announced a new line of high-quality resin miniatures for the new Paizo Starfinder Roleplaying Game. This Kickstarter is offering an exclusive…

September 27, 2017 | 01:30 EDT

Starfinder Old Preview Image

Paizo To Launch Starfinder In 2017

Paizo Publishing, best known for Dungeons and Dragons descendant Pathfinder, will take their most popular property into the far-flung future with spin-off Starfinder. This space setting is meant to…

May 31, 2016 | 02:43 EDT

Pathfinder Giantslayer Adventure Path Key Art

Giantslayer Adventure Path for Pathfinder now Available!

The newest Adventure Path for Pathfinder, titled Giantslayer, has been released. Giantslayer is slated to be a six part adventure series and begins with Adventure Path #91: Battle of BloodMarch Hill…

March 9, 2015 | 03:47 EDT