New Year, New Raptor - Our New Mascot!

Published: January 1, 2020 2:25 PM /



Over the years, we’ve made numerous iterations in logo, raptor mascots, and just general artwork that we use across the site. With the start of a brand new decade, we felt that redesigning our “TechRaptor” mascot we’ve used over the years made sense. Here’s a look back at our logos and mascots, starting with the one we launched the site with in 2013.

2013: The Year TechRaptor Launched
Clearly, when I launched this site I had no idea what I wanted from a logo or mascot, right?

Our Old Logo

2014: Reskinned and Re-Logo’ed
With this design, we got closer to our “brand” and I still love this little raptor with all my heart. You’ll continue to see it used for a long time :)

TechRaptor Old Logo

2016: Simplified Header Logo
With the site relaunch in 2016, we also simplified the header of the site, using just “TechRaptor” along the menu bar.

TechRaptor Wordmark

2016: EggRaptor (our current mascot)
Designed as part of our Kickstarter, although we would have probably done it anyway, EggRaptor has been the face of TechRaptor for over 3 years. Once again, it won’t be our primary mascot, but you’ll continue to see it all over the place!


2016: JournoRaptor
This one, we did for fun. This design harkens back to the old days, when the press carried a pen & paper, and wore a great little reminder of who they were on their cap.


2020 - New Mascot (Name TBD, read below!)
We felt that going back to our “tech” roots, and having a mecha-raptor or literal tech raptor designed made sense, and the design could not have turned out cooler!

TR Mascot


If you want to check out the artist, Lluis Garcia, visit his Twitter here! He’s got some amazing dinosaur-themed art that caught our eye immediately! We’d like to work with him again, so if you have any ideas, sound off in the comments below!

Naming Our New Mascot

Our designs have always had very simple names, as you can see above. This time, we felt that this new mascot deserved a proper name, and we want help picking it!

Simply comment on this article, drop a line in our Discord, or reply on Twitter/Facebook with your ideas, and we’ll work with the community to pick the best one!

2020 is going to be a great year!

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at

Rutledge Daugette
| CEO and Founder

Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge