Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have announced new physical bundles for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and if you're yet to pick the game or its DLC up, these bundles are for you.
Announced via the official Pokemon X account, the bundles include both a copy of Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet and access to the full The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC.
The first part of that DLC, The Teal Mask, is already out, and the second part is scheduled to arrive sometime this winter.
On the boxes for the bundles, a disclaimer informs players that an additional download will be required, so it seems that the carts inside the boxes won't include the DLC.
Instead, this is essentially Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Deluxe Edition, likely containing a cart for the physical game and a download code for the full Area Zero DLC.

The two bundles are slated to arrive on November 3rd, although we don't yet know when the second part of the DLC, The Indigo Disk, is set to arrive.
As such, these bundles could well be released before both parts of the DLC are out there in the wild, although the DLC codes inside the boxes will grant access to both parts of the expansion, so you don't need to worry about missing out.
If you're not up to speed with the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero contains two separate adventures: The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk.
The first part, The Teal Mask, takes you to the land of Kitakami, where you'll uncover the truth behind a local legend involving three Pokemon known as the Loyal Three.
It will introduce new areas to explore, new characters to meet, and, of course, new Pokemon to catch, including the hauntingly cute tea Pokemon Poltchageist.
The second part of the DLC, The Indigo Disk, will see you exploring a giant underwater terrarium with several different biomes to discover.
That DLC will also introduce new Pokemon, as well as a new set of Elite Four trainers to battle and lots more.
We'll let you know as soon as we get a release date for The Indigo Disk.
In the meantime, be sure to read our very own Andrew Stretch's review of The Teal Mask to discover whether the new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC does anything to address the game's performance woes.
Make sure to take a look at our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides, too, which will help you get up to speed just in time for these bundles!