CI Games and Hexworks have released a new Lords of the Fallen update, and it should make your time in Mournstead a bit easier.
First up in the dark fantasy Soulslike's latest update, some big changes have been made to New Game Plus in order to make subsequent playthroughs less frustrating.
From today, finishing a playthrough will prompt you with a choice: you can either move onto the next level of NG+ or simply reset your current game's world without changing difficulty.

This should make it a little easier to hunt trophies or follow NPC questlines without making the game harder for yourself if you so desire.
In addition, on Thursday, another patch is coming that will change the way vestiges (read: bonfires) work.
Your first New Game Plus will remove a few vestiges rather than all of them, with subsequent NG+ runs removing more vestiges, resulting in a more "gradual adaptation" of difficulty over each playthrough.
Another change this update is making relates to enemy density and leashing.

Starting today, enemies won't chase you as far through the level, so you won't have comedy conga lines of bad guys running after you while you're getting back to your current boss.
What's more, Thursday's followup patch will reduce enemy density and tweak crowd behaviors so you shouldn't feel overwhelmed quite as often while adventuring through Mournstead.
In terms of future updates, a few big features are in the pipeline too.
Crossplay on consoles is being activated today, with a view to activating crossplay across all platforms, including PC, on Thursday.
More performance improvements are coming to help affected players with glitches or crashes they might still be experiencing, and there's a rather nifty solution for those who are losing progression to corrupted saves as well.
CI Games says that if your save has been corrupted, you should create a new character, then send the new character's save file and name (along with the level you reached before) to this email address.
If you were affected by version 1.1.215's co-op bug, send your affected save, character name, and level you want restored to the same address.
Lords of the Fallen is available right now on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.
You can read my review of it right here. I wasn't overly impressed by the game, but it's nice to see that CI Games and Hexworks are working to make changes.