Our Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Yokohama Photo Rally Guide will show you where all of the photo rally locations in Yokohama are, as well as what rewards you'll unlock for completing each area.
There are 40 photo subjects in total with 10 in the Bar District, 15 in Downtown, and 15 more in Uptown. Sometimes the things you need to snap a picture of can only be seen from outside the region you're supposed to be in too, so keep your eyes peeled.
Yokohama Photo Rally Locations Map

This map contains all of the photo rally spots in Yokohama but cross-referenced the list below if you're stuck on any. We've listed each spot in order to make it easier to track your progress.
Bar District Photo Rally
Ichiban Confections

On the northern edge of the bar district near the bridge you'll find a confectionary shop with an open doorway that you need to take a picture of.

Halfway down the western backstreet of the bar district you can find a giant stone statue of a face on the bar on the corner.
Hustle Boutique

On the top end of the western backstreet of the bar district you'll need to snap a picture of the local clothes store.
Music Cafe Mother

Just opposite of Survive Bar there's a trendy looking cafe you have to take a snap of.
Survive Bar

The survive bar should be familiar enough, as by the time you gain access to the Yokohama map properly you'll quickly visit it during the story. Take a picture of the big sign above the bar to secure this part of the challenge.

You'll have to find some stairs to access the 2nd level of the bar district overlooking the river. Towards the bottom of the balcony area you'll find a little glowing ghost you need to snap.
Animal Mania

Animal Mania can be found towards the top end of the main street in the bar district. You can recognise it from the glowing sign, and it being one of only two bars you can really enter on the strip.
Akebi Capsule Hotel

This business is on the north edge of the bar districts main street, and should be pretty easy to spot thanks to the giant purple awning above the place.
Izakaya Yamaimo

On the very northern tip of the district you can see this sign glowing on a north-facing wall opposite the confection shop that was the first part of this area's photo rally.
Mansaku Tokiwa Fortunetelling

Right next to the last place you took a picture you should find the fortune telling shop with a tall sign out front. Snap a picture to finish the challenge and grab a reward.
- Boom Bag (Tier 4 Weapon - Saeko Mukoda)
Downtown Photo Rally
Private Sauna Shin Sen Kan

Head for the western edge of Korea Town near the river and check for the giant glowing sign of this private sauna place in the middle building of the block.

In the middle of Koreatown on Hyakkei St, you should easily be able to spot the giant structure that is suspended over the street.
Kushitkatsu Kodaya

On the huge street towards the northern end of Koreatown you should be able to spot this resteraunt facing towards the north.
Julie Gearworks (Japan)

You should probably already have access to this location south of Central St, but if not, it's on the southern tip of the map and is quite a large building.
Takiyama's Photos

Just around the corner from Hello Work on the western end of Central St, you can find this glowing becon of a photography store.
Hello Work

Another location you should be familiar with from the story, you'll need to approach the building from the south to snap a photo of the logo on the side above the car park.
Goblin Coffee

This is one of those sneaky ones, as you'll technically have to be outside of the Commercial Distract to snap the photo. This is on the southern-facing tip of the district face the main road.
Fairytale Pink Rabbit

Smack bang in the middle of the red-light district not far from Ichiban's apartment. If you exit the adult shop and turn right it should be right in front of you.
Ryusei Stage Theatre Rooftop

This one is right outside of Ichiban's apartment, on the rooftop before you hit the main sandbox.
Seagull Cinema

Look out for this distinct storefront at the southwestern edge of Restaurant Row.
Hotel Bunny's

Another tricky one, you can find this by heading for the Western Edge of the Isezaki Road district and into the next district over. Facing east about halfway down the street you should see the angel statue over a hotel on te corner of an alley back into Isezaki Road.
Revenge Books

About halfway up the huge arcade that makes up the bulk of this district, it's almost impossible to miss the giant green front of this huge book store.
Old Mountain

On the main street opposite the train station on the northern tip of the area you can find this wood panelled cafe facing the road.
Wette Kitchen Dinosaur

Another picture opportunity on the main shopping arcade. Look out for the giant dinosaur burger diner on the eastern edge of the arcade on the corner that connects to the next street.
Isezaki Road

At the northern edge of uptown on the crossing that leads away from the train station you can see this giant structure hanging over the main street below you.
Uptown Photo Rally
This area comprises most of the top half of Yokohama above the train station.
Seiryo High School Entrance

Head across the bridge on the northwest corner of the map and take a picture of the school entrance before you get cut off by the no-entry wall of doom.
Heaven's Golf

On the western edge of the West Jinnai Station district you can find a gold centre facing the water.
5-6 Motorcycles

Just north of the western train tracks you can find the boarded up entrance of a garage with neon signs all over it.
Jinnai Station

Another picture that technically requires you to go out of the region. Head straight to the train station and take a photo of the western entrance sign above the turnstiles.
Alo-Happy Yokohama

Just off the Junnai Station square you can find the glowing Alo Happy storefront with the cardboard mascot sign outside that you need to take a picture of.
The Bee

To get this one you'll need to head for The Bee, which is the blue building north of the Station Square. Head inside and snap a picture of the sign at the bottom of the stairs.
Shark Stars

You can find the batting centre at the top left of the map and the sign is just inside the doorway on the right side.
Jinnai Bronze Hotel

At the opposite end of the street from the batting centre you can find the hotel facing the main road.
m HOLD'EM (Jinnai)

Head to the far east side of the East Jinnai Station district and find this glowing 2nd storey poker parlour facing towards the station.
Cut House Timeline

If you follow the road from the power place North you'll eventually find this small building tucked away in a corner.
Hamakita Park Fountain

You can find Hamakita Park on the northern tip of the map. Head to the eastern side of the park to find the statue in a fountain area.
Swine La Tang

In the centre of China Town you can find a pig bathing in a cup on the side of the street. At the mouth of the diagonal pedestrian street off the main road.
Chinese Pavilion

You can find the Chinese pavilion in the tiny park at the far eastern part of China Town. Be careful as it's guarded by tough enemies and you have to get pretty close.
Heian Tower
Just down the street a bit from the park with the Chinese pavilion you can find this huge traditional Chinese restaurant.

At the opposite end of the diagonal street from the pig statue, you can find this gate standing over the street itself.
That's it for this Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Yokohama Photo Rally Guide, check out more below.
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