Hello, TechRaptor readers. If you’re an avid Infinity fan, you’re probably aware of the fact the 2016 ITS season starts today. This season is a bit different from previous years, so let’s go over the major changes for this year.
First off, this season will be much shorter. The 2016 season will end in August with the start of the 2016 Interplanetary Tournament, meaning this season will only be 6 months long. Corvus Belli has decided that future seasons will start and end around the Interplanetary tournament, so this year will be the adjustment season to help make this happen. This could also mean that the Human Sphere expansion book may be pushed back until after the Interplanetary tournament, but this is complete speculation at this point. No official word has been given regarding the release date as of yet aside from some time in 2016.
Corvus Belli is also introducing the Official Tournament Manager, which will not only allow for easier submission of tournament results, but also act as an advertising spot for ITS tournaments around the world, making the spread of information about local events even easier. Tournament organizers will need to take note of the fact that an official ITS tournament event will need to be listed on the site a week beforehand. This requirement kicks on March 7th, giving tournament organizers a bit of time to get used to the new system.
The ITS 2016 rules packet also includes an Organizer’s Guide to help new warcors get their tournament local scenes up and running quicker. The Organizer’s Guide covers mission choices, some preset layouts to help strike a balance between mission variety and minimizing terrain changes, and a quick overview of the ITS Tournament Manager website as well.
The article outlining all the 2016 season changes is available here, along with the ITS 2016 rules packet as a downloadable .pdf file.