Our guide tells you how to open locked Crates in Abiotic Factor and what sort of loot you can expect to find inside these tantalizing treasure chests.
There are plenty of resources to find in Abiotic Factor throughout the map, but you can't get to everything right away. In fact, some of the best items are sealed away in locked crates. We'll tell you how to open these crates and what you can find inside — read on to learn more!

How Locked Crates Work
Locked Crates are unlike other pieces of furniture in the game. At first, they cannot be destroyed or dismantled in any way. You'll have to open them first by using the appropriate key for each type of Crate.
Once opened, a Crate can be looted; each Crate has a unique set of items that you often can't acquire elsewhere. You can then Package the Crate like any other piece of furniture and take it back to your base.
How to Open Locked Crates in Abiotic Factor
Here's how to open each of the Locked Crates in Abiotic Factor!
How to Open Cacophonus Crate
You can open a Cacophonus Crate with a Porcelain Key. Porcelain Keys can be acquired by killing a Symphonist, although they are not a guaranteed drop — you may have to kill several Symphonists to get one.
The Cacophonus Crate only has a few items inside: a Fog Lantern Trinket (which reduces Stamina drain during the Fog Weather Event, the Porcelain Shards crafting resource, and possibly an Organ. It seems that the Organ is not a guaranteed drop.
Aside from the Fog Lantern Trinket, the items in this crate are used to craft the Maestro armor set.
How to Open GATE Security Crate
Unfortunately, there does not yet appear to be a way to open the GATE Security Crate as far as we can tell — we haven't found any keys in our exploration of the map. As a result, we don't know what can be found inside.
How to Open Ornate Crate
You can open the Ornate Crate by using an Ornate Key. Ornate Keys are dropped by killing Order Captains, the soldiers who wear a red beret. It appears that there is roughly a 1 in 10 chance of getting an Ornate Key by killing a Captain.
The signature item of the Ornate Crate is the Sigil of the Hearth Trinket, an item that increases movement speed while in combat by 10%. It also increases the amount of ammo dropped by Order enemies.
Trinket aside, the Ornate Crate can contain a variety of ammunition for guns. Critically, it can also hold one or more Light Gun Repair Kits which are one of the only ways that you can repair a gun.
Thanks for checking out our guide on how to open Crates in Abiotic Factor. Make
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