If you're stuck trying to figure out where and how to unlock the map in Dread Delusion, this guide is exactly what you'll need to unlock it shortly after you complete the fortress.
While you can "open" the map as soon as you load into the game, you won't be able to unlock the map in-game until after you complete Vela's Fortress.
Where to Unlock the Dread Delusion Map
The way that Dread Delusion handles the map, is as unique as the terrain that's ever-changing in the Oneiric Isles. You'll need to talk to a Cartographer, who starts the quest "Hallowshire Cartography" - after which you'll be able to start creating the map yourself by exploring the world's different landmarks.

Once you've completed Vela's Fortress and unlocked the next area, you'll want to head to Pwyll Village, pictured above.
I recommend that you interact with everyone in the village, and especially the man who will weigh you and unlock "Secrets and Spores" - critical to making your way through to the next area of the game. Since you'll be heading to the Sacred Shroom for this, it's a good opportunity to complete the quest and unlock one of the four landmarks in the first area.
- Make sure that you talk to the shopkeeper as well, the Compass he sells will allow you to see where you are on the map as you unlock sections!
Once you've done everything you can do in Pwyll, head up and past the bridge, then turn left and step on the platform to head down to the forest floor. Once you get to the bottom, you'll want to look to the structure below, and then make your way to it and meet the Cartographer.

After talking to the Cartographer, you'll unlock the Cartography Notebook, which will let you start to create the map as you explore. Sure, your map is currently blank - but not for long.
Drawing the Map - Finding and Recording Landmarks
Once you have the Cartography Notebook, to start drawing the initial map you'll want to head to the following locations and record their landmarks:
- Sacred Shroom
- Pwyll Village (graveyard area)
- Vela's Fortress
- Rotton Onions (The fortress with the large monster above it)
To use it, add it to your useable items in the menu and switch to it, then use it when near a landmark.
If you make your way through the game and unlock every Landmark, you'll receive the Master Cartographer Achievement alongside the Cartographer Achievement for completing the map of the Oneiric Isles.
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