This guide tells you how to get the Dyrnwyn Sword in Valheim by completing an epic sidequest in the Ashlands that culminates in a fight against a miniboss.
In Valheim, you take on the role of a dead Viking warrior who is exploring a massive world, slaying enemies, and building a new home for yourself. One of the newer post-launch additions is an epic sidequest to get your hands on a legendary, one-of-a-kind sword called Dyrnwyn. Read on to learn how to unravel this mystery and get a new sword!

How to Get the Dyrnwyn Sword in Valheim
Getting the Dyrnwyn Sword in Valheim requires completing a hidden side quest in the Ashlands Biome. You're going to be traveling across multiple islands and fighting a lot of tough enemies, so make sure you're ready for a long journey worthy of a Viking.
Travel to the Ashlands
Your first step will be to travel to the Ashlands. It's pretty much impossible to get there without working through at least some of the Mistlands Biome first, so just progress through the game normally until you're supposed to go to the Ashlands.
Once you get to the Ashlands, you should do the usual things you'd do in any new biome. Set up a base, build a Portal, and upgrade your gear. When you can reliably fight the enemies of the Ashlands and survive, it's time to focus on exploring.
Explore Putrid Holes to Find Vegvisir Mysterious Location
Your next stop is to explore Putrid Holes. Putrid Holes are caves with a fun surprise inside, except it's not a fun surprise. It's a horrifying monster called a Morgen.
Here's what a Putrid Hole looks like from the outside.
Putrid Holes are much like the Troll Caves in the Black Forest. It's a rather small space inside with some treasure and a tough monster to fight.
Unfortunately, the monster inside a Putrid Hole is considerably tougher. Here's what a Morgen looks like:
The Morgen can swipe you, lunge at you, and roll around the area. It's an especially tough fight, but you can win if you time your parrying and/or dodging correctly.
When the Morgen is dead, you'll want to look for the "Vegvisir Mysterious Location" somewhere within the Putrid Hole. There is no guarantee that you'll find one, sadly.
Find Mysterious Locations
There are a total of 3 Mysterious Locations on the map. Here's where they are on my pre-launch Ashlands map as an example:
As you can see, they're spread quite far apart. It's entirely possible that you might need a Boat to get to them all. But first, you'll have to actually find these locations.
Here's the challenge: each Putrid Hole has, at most, a single Vegvisir Mysterious Location. There are three Mysterious Locations, and each Vegvisir Mysterious Location only reveals a specific Mysterious Location, regardless of distance.
What this means is that you're going to have to go into every Putrid Hole you find and hope that it has a Vegvisir Mysterious Location and that it reveals one of the Mysterious Locations that you haven't already found.
Once you've found all three, you'll have unique challenges to tackle at each of them.
Clear the Dyrnwyn Blade Altar
The first Mysterious Location we'll go over is the Dyrnwyn Blade Altar. This is a large, circular structure with an altar in the middle. There is a purple Monument of Torment in front of it which will spawn enemies until it's destroyed.
This is probably the easiest location to tackle. You can simply run in, steal the Dyrnwyn Blade (and any other loot, such as Molten Cores), and run away. Naturally, you can fight all of the enemies in there, too, if you'd like.
Clear the Dyrnwyn Tip Altar
The Dyrnwyn Tip Altar is a little more challenging. This piece of Dyrnwyn is locked away in a building and protected by another purple Monument of Torment. You're going to need to destroy the wall to get inside the building and loot the Dyrnwyn Tip.
Since you probably can't smash and grab this one, it's best to destroy the Monument of Torment and methodically wipe out all of the enemies before you start breaking into the building. Once you do, you'll be able to grab the Dyrnwyn Tip and some other loot.
Defeat Lord Reto | Dyrnwyn Hilt Fragment
The final piece is in a place called the Tomb of Lord Reto. Unfortunately, Lord Reto is still inside and he's itching for a fight.
Lord Reto is a unique, powerful Charred Warrior who is surrounded by glowing blue flames. It's not an impossible fight, but it's pretty difficult because he hits much harder than a regular Charred Warrior.
If you can't parry or dodge his attacks reliably, your best option is to use hit-and-run tactics. Wait for him to attack, move in and counterattack, and then back away before he attacks again. It's slower than a stand-up fight, but you can win without taking any damage if you time everything right.
With Lord Reto defeated, you'll be able to get the third and final piece of Dyrnwyn: The Dyrnwyn Hilt Fragment.
Reforge Dyrnwyn
You now have the Hilt, Blade, and Tip of Dyrnwyn, but that's not all you need to reforge this mighty blade. You're also going to need 20 Flametal (which you can get by mining Flametal Ore Pillars) and 1 Bloodstone (which you can find in the loot chests of Charred Fortresses).
Here's the full recipe for Dyrnwyn:
- Dyrnwyn Hilt Fragment
- Dyrnwyn Blade Fragment
- Dyrnwyn Tip Fragment
- 20 Flametal
- 1 Bloodstone
- Black Forge
Assemble all of these items and head to your nearest Black Forge. You'll then be able to craft the mighty Dyrnwyn and wield it against your enemies.
Dyrnwyn can be upgraded to Level 4 using Flametal and Bloodstone. You'll need 12 Flametal and 12 Bloodstone to fully upgrade Dyrnwyn, so make sure you focus on collecting these items whenever you can.
There's one major downside to Dyrnwyn, though: as far as I know, there is only one instance of this sword in the entire world. If you lose it, the only way to get a second one would be to reroll a new world and complete the quest again or spawn it using cheats.
Either way, Dyrnwyn is a pretty powerful sword that adds a bit of Fire damage to its normal damage. It won't be as useful as you'd like in the Ashlands, but it will probably be very useful when the Great North is revealed in a future update.
Thanks for reading our guide on how to get the Dyrnwyn sword in Valheim. Make sure to check out our other guides below!
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