In this guide, we'll tell you how to find a Cave in Aska so you can get Iron Ore to make sturdier buildings and better tools for your villagers!
You'll start your adventures in Aska using crafted tools made of wood, stone, and fiber, but you'll eventually want to move on to stronger resources — namely, Iron. Getting Iron Ore, however, requires finding a Cave Stone and building a Cave Entrance. Read on to learn how to find a Cave and get a reliable source of Iron Ore!
How to Find a Cave in Aska
You can find a cave in Aska by running around the map and using your "Search Area" power (press Z on the keyboard by default). This will highlight resources in the area; you're going to look for a massive yellow boulder that is twice as tall as you — this is a "Cave Stone" that you can explore with the right building.
Here's what it looks like:

Based on my exploration of two separate maps, it appears that there is only one Cave Stone on the entire map. There is no guaranteed method for finding a cave other than through exploration; that means that you'll have to thoroughly explore the island and get lucky.
One of the maps I explored had a Cave Stone roughly in the center of the map. The second island had a Cave Stone near the eastern shore. Once you've established a basic village, you can start to explore the map methodically in an attempt to find a Cave Stone.

How to Build a Cave Entrance and Mine
Once you've found a Cave Stone, you'll need to build a Cave Entrance. You'll need the following prerequisite buildings, in this order:
- Simple Fire
- Campfire (Upgraded from Simple Fire, or built independently)
- Shelter
- The Eye of Odin
- Stonecutter's Pit
- Woodcutter's Pit
- Workshop Pit
You will also need to craft a Large Stone Axe at the Workshop Pit. It requires the following items:
- 4 Stick
- 4 Stone Blade
- 4 Rope
The Large Stone Axe is required to chop down full-size Fir Trees which yield Logs; Logs are needed to make the Cave Entrance.
After you build the prerequisite buildings and you've crafted a Large Stone Axe, you can then collect the materials you'll need to build a Cave Entrance. Here's what you'll need:
- 5 Log
- 5 Long Stick
- 8 Rope
- 4 Large Stone
- 8 Small Stone
You can then build the Cave Entrance on the Cave Stone as you can with any other building. Take care not to block the entrance or build anything else too close to it — you can only build one Cave Entrance per Cave Stone, and there's only one Cave Stone on most maps as far as I know.

How to Use the Mine
The Cave Entrance opens up a pathway to the underground. All you need to do is head inside and break the Cave Wall with a Large Stone Pickaxe. Breaking the Cave Wall will yield Large Stones and Iron Ore. The Iron Ore can then be crafted into useful material at a Bloomery and made into tools at a Metalworker.
Each successive Cave Wall will have slightly more health and, obviously, will be deeper in the Cave. Bringing a Simple Torch is advised. Unfortunately, you cannot build any lighting inside of the Cave.
Any villagers you assign to the Cave will require Large Stone Pickaxes and Simple Torches. Iron Ore and Large Stones will be deposited in the collection bins in the front of the cave.
Unlike other buildings, the Cave Entrance has no hit points and it cannot be destroyed by enemy attacks or degradation. Furthermore, you cannot dismantle it. Once the Cave Entrance is built, it's there forever.
Thanks for checking out our guide on Aska cave guide. You can learn more about this game by reading our other guides below!
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