Helldivers 2 has taken the gaming world by storm, spreading managed democracy and pouring a piping cup of LiberTEA for gamers on consoles and PC's all over. An elite peacekeeping force needs good weapons, and we've got the Helldivers 2 Weapons guide that details them all including the new additions from the Cutting Edge Premium Battlepass!
There are a 8 different types of weapons you can unlock in Helldivers 2, most of which are obtained via the free and paid Battle Pass. These weapons (plus your Stratagems and Ship Modules) can help you win tough fights on alien worlds. Each one has different stats and features, which allows you to drop in and play however you'd like!
- Assault Rifles - 3
- Marksman Rifles - 2
- Shotguns - 6
- Submachine Guns - 2
- Energy-Based Guns - 2
- Explosive Guns - 1
- Pistols - 2
- Grenades - 5
How to Unlock Helldivers 2 Weapons
You can unlock Helldivers 2 Weapons by spending Medals in the Battle Passes (which are called War Bonds).

Helldivers 2 - Assault Rifles
There are 3 Assault Rifles that you can unlock in Helldivers 2 at launch.
AR-23 Liberator
- Where to Unlock: Default Weapon
- Damage: 55
- Capacity: 45
- Recoil: 15
- Fire Rate: 640
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating
AR-23P Liberator Penetrator
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 6 (40 Medals)
- Damage: 45
- Capacity: 30
- Recoil: 19
- Fire Rate: 640
- Weapon Traits: Medium Armor Penetrating
AR-23E Liberator Explosive
- Where to Unlock: Steeled Veterans Premium Battlepass - Page 1 (20 Medals)
- Damage: 55
- Capacity: 30
- Recoil: 28
- Fire Rate: 320
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, Explosive

Helldivers 2 - Marksman Rifles
There are 2 Marksman Rifles that you can unlock in Helldivers 2 at launch.
R-63 Diligence
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 2
- Damage: 112
- Capacity: 20
- Recoil: 30
- Fire Rate: 350
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating
R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper
- Where to Unlock:Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 7
- Damage: 128
- Capacity: 15
- Recoil: 53
- Fire Rate: 350
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating

Helldivers 2 - Shotguns
There are 8 different Shotguns that you can unlock in Helldivers 2. 6 were available at launch and 2 more were added as part of the Cutting Edge Premium Battlepass.
SG-9 Punisher
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 1
- Damage: 360
- Capacity: 16
- Recoil: 110
- Fire Rate: 80
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, Rounds Reload
SG-225 Breaker
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 4
- Damage: 330
- Capacity: 16
- Recoil: 30
- Fire Rate: 300
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating
SG-8S Slugger
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 8
- Damage: 280
- Capacity: 16
- Recoil: 110
- Fire Rate: 080
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, Rounds Reload
SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 9
- Damage: 144
- Capacity: 32
- Recoil: 45
- Fire Rate: 300
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating
SG-225IE Breaker Incindiary
- Where to Unlock: Steeled Veterans Premium Battlepass - Page 2
- Damage: 180
- Capacity: 25
- Recoil: 28
- Fire Rate: 300
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, Incendiary
JAR-5 Dominator
- Where to Unlock: Steeled Veterans Premium Battlepass - Page 3
- Damage: 200
- Capacity: 15
- Recoil: 75
- Fire Rate: 250
- Weapon Traits: Medium Armor Penetrating
SG-8P Punisher Plasma
- Where to Unlock: Cutting Edge Premium Battlepass
- Damage: 100
- Capacity: 8
- Recoil: 110
- Fire Rate: 80
- Weapon Traits: Explosive
ARC-12 Blitzer
- Where to Unlock: Cutting Edge Premium Battlepass
- Damage: 250
- Capacity: Infinite
- Recoil: 60
- Fire Rate: 30
- Weapon Traits: N/A

Helldivers 2 - Submachine Guns
There are 2 Submachine Guns available to unlock in Helldivers 2 at Launch.
MP-98 Knight
- Where to Unlock: Super Citizen DLC Bundle/Edition
- Damage: 50
- Capacity: 50
- Recoil: 20
- Fire Rate: 1380
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, One Handed
SMG-36 Defender
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 3
- Damage: 70
- Capacity: 45
- Recoil: 10
- Fire Rate: 520
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, One Handed
Helldivers 2 - Energy-Based Guns
There are 3 Energy-Based Guns to unlock in Helldivers 2. 2 were available at launch and 1 was added as part of the Cutting Edge Premium Battlepass.
LAS-5 Scythe
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 5
- Damage: 300
- Capacity: 8
- Recoil: 1
- Fire Rate: 0.0s
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, Beam, Heat
PLAS-1 Scorcher
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 10
- Damage: 100
- Capacity: 15
- Recoil: 20
- Fire Rate: 250
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, Explosive
LAS-16 Sickle
- Where to Unlock: Cutting Edge Premium Battlepass
- Damage: 55
- Fire Limit: 9
- Recoil: 2
- Fire Rate: 750
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, Heat
Helldivers 2 - Explosive Guns
There is 1 Explosive Gun to unlock in Helldivers 2 at Launch.
JAR-5 Dominator
- Where to Unlock: Steeled Veterans Premium Battlepass - Page 3
- Damage: 200
- Capacity: 15
- Recoil: 75
- Fire Rate: 250
- Weapon Traits: Medium Armor Penetrating

Helldivers 2 - Pistols
There are 4 Pistols that can be unlocked in Helldivers 2. 3 were available at launch and 1 was added as part of the Cutting Edge Premium Battle Pass.
P-2 Peacemaker
- Where to Unlock: Default Pistol
- Damage: 60
- Capacity: 15
- Recoil: 23
- Fire Rate: 900
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, One Handed
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 7
- Damage: 60
- Capacity: 31
- Recoil: 11
- Fire Rate: 1100
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, One Handed
P-4 Senator
- Where to Unlock: Steeled Veterans Premium Battlepass - Page 1
- Damage: 150
- Capacity: 6
- Recoil: 43
- Fire Rate: 200
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, One Handed, Rounds Reload
LAS-7 Dagger
- Where to Unlock: Cutting Edge Premium Battlepass
- Damage/Sec: 150
- Fire Limit: 5
- Recoil: 1
- Weapon Traits: Light Armor Penetrating, One Handed, Beam, Heat

Helldivers 2 - Grenades
There are 5 Grenades that can be unlocked in Helldivers 2 at launch.
G-12 High Explosive
- Where to Unlock: Default Grenade
- Damage: 400
- Penetration: 4
- Outer Radius: 7
- Fuse Time: 3.5s
G-6 Frag
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 1
- Damage: 250
- Penetration: 3
- Outer Radius: 8
- Fuse Time: 2.4s
G-16 Impact
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 5
- Damage: 400
- Penetration: 4
- Outer Radius: 7
- Fuse Time: 0.0s
G-3 Smoke
- Where to Unlock: Helldivers Mobilize! Battlepass - Page 8
- Damage: 0
- Penetration: 0
- Outer Radius: 0
- Fuse Time: 2.4s
G-10 Incendiary
- Where to Unlock: Steeled Veterans Premium Battlepass - Page 2
- Damage: 150
- Penetration: 3
- Outer Radius: 7
- Fuse Time: 2.9s
- Grenade Traits: Incendiary
There you have it — all Helldivers 2 Weapons that are currently available! Check out our other guides below!
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