Resources in any game are going to be important, and that’s no different for roguelite Hades 2. The different things you can find while exploring both the Underworld and the Surface are important for pushing the narrative of the game and getting stronger overall.
While Hades let resources act as rewards in different Encounters, Hades 2 has resources scattered around. To start collecting most of them, you’ll need to start with the correct equipment.

Gathering Tools in Hades 2
Like weapons, Gathering Tools in Hades 2 have to be crafted in the second main area of the camp. There are four Gathering Tools to make:
- Rod of Fishing: used for fishing
- Crescent Pick: a pickaxe to mine ore from stones
- Tablet of Peace: gives Melinoe a way to communicate with shades in the Underworld, giving her Psyche
- Silver Spade: a shovel used to gather seeds
You can only have one tool on your person at a time, so you’ll decide what resources you need most before heading out on your adventure. Luckily, not every resource needs a tool to use, such as flowers, Ashe, Psyche, and even Fated Fabric. Flowers and other plants can be grabbed while you’re walking around.
These are the things you can gather by hand in Hades 2 at this time:
- Moly: Erebus
- Deathcap: Erebus (or anywhere it’s raining)
- Lotus: Oceanus
- Moss: Surface near the City of Ephyra
- Shaderot: Tarturus
- Myrtle: Mourning Fields
- Thalamus: realm of Chaos

Hades 2 Farming
Farming is another resource gathering method that you can’t ignore in Hades 2. The seeds you find with your Silver Spade can be planted in plots back at camp, and they’ll grow in real-time. These crops can be sold or used in incantations.
These are the seeds in the game as of writing this:
- Nightshade Seeds: 5 minutes to grow, found in Erebus
- Mystery Seeds: a range of growing times and found everywhere
- Cattail Seeds: 9 minutes, found in Oceanus
- Garlic Cloves: 9 minutes, found on the surface in the City of Ephyra
- Poppy Seeds: 21 minutes, found in Tarturus
- Wheat Seeds: 13 minutes, found in the Mourning Fields
Finding Resources in Hades 2
Luckily, finding resources in Hades 2 can be quite easy. The lovely art style of the game can make it easy to miss things, but a simple incantation at the cauldron can help. After you’ve unlocked Reagent Sensing, a white wisp will flow to any resource in the area after you’ve cleared an Encounter. There’s also a sound that plays when it starts to help you recognize it (which is especially helpful considering not every area has resources to pick from).
This will only happen if you’re able to gather it, so if you have the Silver Spade, you won’t get dinged for seeds.
Other Resources in Hades 2
There are a few resources in Hades 2 that are used in such abundance that you can get them a few different ways. Here they are:
- Ashes: found as rewards and bought from the Wretched Broker
- Psyche: found as rewards, bought from the Wretched Broker, and gathered with Tablet of Peace
- Bones: found as rewards and obtained from Wretched Broker by selling things you grow
- Fated Fabric: found rarely in special Encounters and bought from Wretched Broker
There are also special resources that you get from the defeating Guardians of each area in the game:
- Cinder: Guardian of Erebus
- Pearl: Guardian of Oceanus
- Tears: Guardian of Mourning Fields
That’s all we have for farming and resource gathering in Hades 2. Considering the game is in early access, more resources may be added to the game in the months to come. We've got more Hades II content coming, but let us know if you’re struggling with a specific resource in the comments below.
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