Much like FF7 Remake, weapons in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth are essential to the growth of your skillset and strength, and we've got where you'll find each one, the skills they provide, and more in this FF7 Rebirth Weapons Guide!
Weapon collection and skill growth make a return in this big open world game, allowing you to once again give Cloud and Co regular upgrades to their damage dealing prowess, and unlock critical skills to progress.
Every character unlocks 7 weapons through the course of the game, and we'll list them in the order you can find and unlock them for purchase.

Cloud Weapons in FF7 Rebirth
Cloud is the main damage dealer of the party, with most of his weapons focused heavily on close-range combat, and high damage output. Instead of Materia like in Final Fantasy VII Remake, Counterattack is tied to one of his weapons this time around.
Buster Sword
- Found: Default
- Skill: Focused Thrust
- Proficiency Bonus: Stagger an Enemy
Sleek Sword
- Found: Chapter 2 - Found in a Purple Chest after Kalm, in the Swamp Dock Area before going into the swamp.
- Skill: Firebolt Blade
- Proficiency Bonus: Exploit an enemy's weakness.
Rune Blade
- Found: Chapter 4 - After completing the Parade segment, and having troopers join you – you'll find a purple chest with this weapon inside near the Rest Bench.
- Skill: Disorder
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike with Attack or Strong Attack after switching modes.

Umbral Blade
- Found: Chapter 8 - Immediately after you meet Gus to the right of the door out to the street
- Skill: Prime Mode
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy while Prime Mode is active.
Crystal Sword
- Found: Chapter 9 - After heading down the stairs into the reactor you’ll come to a room with two ways to go, this is inside the room that you can run right into, not the one that you have to squeeze through the door.
- Skill: Infinity's End
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike a Staggered enemy with Infinity's End.
Igneous Saber
- Found: Chapter 11 - On your way up to Nibel’s reactor, you’ll run into a pair of Screamers – you'll see the chest for this on a platform above them.
- Skill: Blade Burst
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
Slipstream Saber
- Found: Chapter 13 - Early on as you make your way through the Temple of the Ancients, you’ll have to climb some ivy. Heading directly up will land you by this chest.
- Skill: Counterstance
- Proficiency Bonus: Unleash a Counterattack

Barret Weapons in FF7 Rebirth
Barret is a high-HP and long-ranged damage dealer, great at dealing with flying enemies and being a bit of a "Tank."
Gatling Gun
- Found: Default Weapon
- Skill: Focused Shot
- Proficiency Bonus: Stagger an enemy with Focused Shot.
Hi-Caliber Rifle
- Found: Chapter 2 - Found in the swamp along your main path, you’ll see it to the right of where Cloud sees Sephiroth
- Skill: Bonus Round
- Proficiency Bonus: Fire 20 bullet while Bonus Round is active.
Barrage Blaster
- Found: Chapter 8 - After learning the story of Barrett and Dyne, you’ll head toward an open area with monsters. Directly to your right is the chest with this inside.
- Skill: Lifesaver
- Proficiency Bonus: Use your HP to heal allies (one time only while active).

Vulcan Cannon
- Found: Chapter 9 - You’ll get this by completing the “The Pursuit of Perfection” Quest in the Gongaga region
- Skill: Charging Uppercut
- Proficiency Bonus: Top up the Overcharge gauge.
Fafnir Rifle
- Found: Found before Chapter 10 - First seen for purchase in Cosmo Canyon
- Skill: Point Blank
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
Calamitous Bazooka
- Found: Found in Chapter 10 - After passing the altars under Cosmo Canyon, you’ll enter a large room, this is across from/below the first gate
- Skill: Smackdown
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike two or more enemies.
Battle Cry
- Found: Chapter 13 - In the Temple of the Ancients after (after switching back to Cloud and Co), you’ll watch a cutscene with 3 soldiers checking the path who get swept away. After dropping the box into the crack, head straight into the structure across the way to find this chest
- Skill: Turbulent Spirit
- Proficiency Bonus: Fill 2 ATB Charges while active.

Tifa Weapons in FF7 Rebirth
Tifa is a close range fighter that excels at increasing the stagger gauge and increasing the damage you do to staggered enemies.
Leather Gloves
- Found: Default Weapon
- Skill: Divekick
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
Sylph Gloves
- Found: Chapter 3 - Found in a Purple Chest along your path in the Mythril Mine, shortly after separating from Barrett and Red XIII, after dropping down a ladder in Northern Quarry Storage
- Skill: Reverse Gale
- Proficiency Bonus: Exploit an enemy's weakness.
Kaiser Knuckles
- Found: Chapter 5 – When you enter the Cargo Hold of the boat to Costa Del Sol, you’ll see this to your left after fighting the first set of enemies there.
- Skill: Overpower
- Proficiency Bonus: Follow up with an Attack after using the weapon ability.
Dragon Claws
- Found: Chapter 8 - Complete Rank 3 of Desert Rush in the Dustbowl.
- Skill: Starshower
- Proficiency Bonus: Follow up with an offensive ability or spell after using the weapon ability.
Tiger Fangs
- Found: Chapter 9 - When you return to the Gongaga Reactor with Tifa and company. As you make your way through, you’ll reach a larger room you have to swim across, and have to grapple up to a small platform. Turn around behind you and you’ll see this chest there – grapple over to the point to the left of it, then run over and claim this.
- Skill: Chi Trap
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike an enemy with Chi Trap.
Crystal Gloves
- Found: Chapter 11 - Beyond the bridge on your way to Mt. Nibel.
- Skill: Unfettered Fury
- Proficiency Bonus: Stagger an enemy with a standard attack while active.
- Found: Chapter 13- Shortly after splitting up as a group inside the Temple of the Ancients, you’ll fight some bees and make your way further – after fighting some troops, you’ll see this on your left after stepping over a column
- Skill: True Strike
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike a Staggered enemy.

Aerith Weapons in FF7 Rebirth
Aerith is a lower-HP member of the party, who excels as a healer and magical damage dealer.
Guard Stick
- Found: Default Weapon
- Skill: Arcane Ward
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate the effects of the ward (one time only while ward is on the field).
Timeless Rod
- Found: Chapter 2 - Chocobo Ranch Barn, after getting Pico, purple chest in the back
- Skill: Chrono Aegis
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike an enemy and inflict Stop.
Empress's Scepter
- Found: Chapter 4 - in Aerith’s Room in the Under Juno Inn
- Skill: Radiant Ward
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy with a standard attack launched from within the ward.
Wizard's Rod
- Found: Chapter 7- As you make your way up the “Hiker’s Trail” after Costa Del Sol, you’ll be forced to stop for a moment near a rest bench. Head past the bench to the left to find the chest with this inside
- Skill: Lustrous Shield
- Proficiency Bonus: Defend against an enemy's attack (one time only while active).
Ceremonial Staff
- Found: Chapter 10 - To the left of the vending machine when you land at the Village of the Gi
- Skill: ATB Ward
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate the effects of the ward (one time only while ward is on the field).
Plumose Rod
- Found: Chapter 12 - After completing Nibel and going to Costa Del Sol, you can return to Nibel to complete “Lament of the Damned.” You’ll need to complete the side quest, and then complete the 4 additional Combat Simulator missions to unlock Hojo’s Secret Lab, which contains this weapon in a chest.
- Skill: Ray of Judgment
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike a staggered enemy.
- Found: Chapter 13 - After switching to Aerith, Yuffie, and Red, you’ll have to restore some architecture. After the first one, you’ll repair a tower and go down – turn immediately left to find this chest under the stairs.
- Skill: Noble Sacrifice
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate when an ally is in critical condition or unconscious.

Red XIII Weapons in FF7 Rebirth
Red is a higher-HP damage dealer, who charges up a Vengeance meter, that let's you use some of his stronger abilities, as well as an HP Leech attack.
Mythril Collar
- Found: Defaul Weapon
- Skill: Stardust Ray
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike two or more enemies.
Renegade's Collar
- Found: Chapter 3 - Found in the Mithril Mines, after encountering the Turks. It’s next to a Rest Bench to your left.
- Skill: Crescent Claw
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
Silver Collar
- Found: Chapter 6 - Win 1st place in the Run Wild Minigame in Costa Del Sol, which is available when you switch to Aerith and Tifa
- Skill: Chilling Roar
- Proficiency Bonus: Exploit an enemy's weakness.
Amethyst Collar
- Found: Chapter 7 - After leaving Corel and following the scent to the Robed Man, you’ll enter a cave where you’ll use a flashlight to find the trail. You’ll find this in a chest in the first big room, in a hallway that’s collapsed right at the entrance.
- Skill: Supernal Fervor
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate on a three-person party.
Golden Collar
- Found: Chapter 9 - Inside the Gongaga Reactor. You’ll see this after Cait Sith says something about raising the water level, and you climb up a ladder to go into a Control Room. You’ll see this across and above the large enemies you’d fought shortly before. To get to this, head into the control room and pull the cart all the way back towards the pipes until you can jump up to a platform that leads you through a hole where you can drop down to this.
- Skill: Watcher's Respite
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate when the Vengeance Gauge is full.
Mystic Collar
- Found: Chapter 10 - Inside the cave underneath Cosmo Canyon. You’ll obtain this by dropping a particular relic in front of Bugenhagen – this one is up and to the right when you face the GI Statue
- Skill: Watcher's Spirit
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate when the Vengeance Gauge is full.
Slipstream Saber
- Found: Chapter 13 - After going back to Aerith and co, you’ll fight a set of enemies after which a new area will open to the left – this chest is on your left as you enter the new structure
- Skill: Reaper Touch
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate when HP is critically low.

Yuffie Weapons in FF7 Rebirth
Yuffie is a mid-range HP character that excels at quick attacks and elemental strikes.
4-Point Shuriken
- Found: Default Weapon
- Skill: s
- Proficiency Bonus: s
Savage Dagger
- Found: Default Weapon
- Skill: Blindside
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
Twin Viper
- Found: Chapter 7 - Inside the Corel mine after using the Grappling Hook for the first time. You’ll find it to the right of you.
- Skill: Windstorm
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike 2 or more enemies.
Bird of Prey
- Found: Chapter 9 - Inside of Cissnei’s house in Gongaga. To the left, as you head towards the rest spot.
- Skill: Doppelganger
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy while the clone is present.

Crescent Sickle
- Found: Chapter 10 - Chocobo Training Course 1 in Cosmo Canyon by the Airfield.
- Skill: Shooting Star
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike 2 or more enemies.
Crystalline Cross
- Found: Chapter 12 - After beating Rufus, you’ll chase Cait Sith around, eventually going through a back-room hallway, after which you’ll see this chest next to the stairs upwards.
- Skill: Banishment
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike an enemy with a Level III attack.
Fuma Shuriken
- Found: Chapter 13 - After completing the trials you’ll head down a spiral staircase in the Temple of the Ancients. After a brief find you’ll head downwards and on the left up some stairs will be this final chest
- Skill: Purification
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike an enemy with a Level III attack.

Cait Sith Weapons in FF7 Rebirth
Cait Sith is a lower-damage character from a direct attack perspective, but his abilities are very strong and used for more than just pure damage.
Yellow Megaphone
- Found: Default Weapon
- Skill: Roll o' the Dice
- Proficiency Bonus: Roll a 1, 3, or 6.
Iron Megaphone
- Found: Default Weapon
- Skill: Fortune Telling
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
Red Megaphone
- Found: Found before Chapter 10 - First seen for purchase in Cosmo Canyon
- Skill: Moogle Kaboom
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike an enemy.
Resounding Megaphone
- Found: Chapter 11, Nibelheim General Store
- Skill: Moogle Mine
- Proficiency Bonus: Stagger an enemy with a mine explosion.
Crystal Megaphone
- Found: Found in Chapter 10, inside the Store Room at the top of Cosmo Canyon, unlocked after visiting Bugenhagan
- Skill: Moogle Magic
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
Golden Megaphone
- Found: Chapter 11, inside the basement of Shinra Mansion, after you take control of Cait Sith and have to go through the vents. Grab a box using your Moogle, and hit the switch to the left of the door
- Skill: Moogle Knuckle
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike a staggered enemy.
- Found: Chapter 11 – you'll need to collect 45 chocograss to get this
- Skill: Lady Luck
- Proficiency Bonus: Activate on a three-person party.
What happens if you miss a Final Fantasy Rebirth Weapons Chest
You'll still be able to get these weapons if you miss the chest. Other than not getting the weapon for free, almost every weapon you may miss will be able to be purchased, shortly before or after when you'd see it as outlined above.
There are some weapons that CAN'T be purchased as they are tied to side quests or games. Those are detailed above.
How to get more Materia Slots on your Weapons
The Weapons in Final Fantasy VII Remake had materia slots dedicated to how you upgraded your weapons. In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you won't be leveling up your weapons, instead as your Folio Level and Character Levels increase, so to will your number of materia slots!
Focus on completing world objectives for Party Experience, and you'll be able to complete more of the folios, helping improve not only your character, but your weapons too!
That's it for our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Weapons guide! Check out more below!
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