If you've made your way to the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth chances are you've had a chance to try out the minigames like Chocobo Racing, G-Bike, and 3D Brawler. The ultimate challenge to complete in 3D Brawler is a fight against Cloud's nemesis Sephiroth.
With a wide range of attacks that all deal incredible damage you need to clear this battle before taking three hits. This Sephiroth 3D Brawler guide will show you what you can do to make this fight trivial.
How to unlock 3D Brawler Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
After reaching Chapter 13 a quest in the Junon region will open up called Can't Stop, Won't Stop where Cloud will be challenged to become the Ultimate Party Animal. After completing this quest Sephiroth will be unlocked for you in the 3D Brawler arena. In order to challenge Sephiroth you'll need to have already defeated Dio, Shiva, and Ifrit.

3D Brawler Sephiroth Tips
3D Brawler Sephiroth will be able to reach Limit Break in as little as three successful attacks, while it takes 12+ correct dodges before you can even have a chance to swing at him.
3D Brawler Sephiroth has six attacks; a Jab, Hook, and Uppercut for each hand. Each does have its tells but they come out very quickly.
- Right Hand (left of the player)
- (L Up) Jab - Sephiroth will draw back his hand until it's behind his head and his elbow will bend.
- (L Left) Hook - Sephiroth will draw back his hand but his arm will stay out, his hand will be visible past Sephiroth's head
- (L Down) Uppercut - Sephiroth will drop just his right hand and slowly wind up for the uppercut
- Left Hand (right of the player)
- (R Up) Jab - Sephiroth will draw back his hand and you'll see his elbow bend and drop ready for the overhead swing
- (R Right) Hook - Sephiroth will swing his hand all the way out, if his elbow doesn't bend then it will be a hook
- (R Down) Uppercut - Sephiroth will briefly drop his right hand, and then twist his body and drop his left hand even further
From the above attacks it is much harder to distinguish what he's going to do with his Right hand, whether that be a Jab or a Hook

The main opportunities you'll have to deal damage to Sephiroth will be by successfully dodging all of the attacks in each of his combos and punching him. His Combo #1 will always be the same and he will only use Combo #1 until your limit gauge is half way charged. After that Combo #1, #2, or #3 could come out. The combos are as follows:
- Sephiroth will start with a Left Hand Jab
Dodge Pattern: R Up > L Left > R Right > L Up > R Down
- Sephiroth will start with a Right Hand Hook
Dodge Pattern: L Left > L Left > R Up > L Down
- Sephiroth will start with a Right Hand Uppercut
Dodge Pattern: L Down > R Right > L Up
- Sephiroth will start with a Left Hand Jab, this will appear only when you're close to your Limit Break
Dodge Pattern: R up > L Left > R Right > L Up > L Up > L Down
It's important to time all of your responses after Sephiroth has flashed with light signalling his attack is starting. If you successfully dodge you'll be given an opportunity to hit him.
How to cheese 3D Brawler Sephiroth
If you've beaten your head against the wall enough times and you want a way for the fight to be slightly easier then you can utilize the pause screen to give yourself a better idea of what you should be getting ready to dodge.

For this strategy you can wait until Sephiroth's ATB gauge charges and just as he behind to move quickly pause the game and see how he's moving. The Uppercuts are easy to tell but his other attacks can be more difficult. If you paused fast enough the first time you can unpause and repause the game again quickly to get a better idea of what Sephiroth is about to do.
Once you know what he's going to do start mashing the correct input while you unpause the game and you should be able to dodge it. If you don't have quite enough time you may just block it, but even that won't let Sephiroth charge his limit gauge too much.
Here's the full fight with pause buffering so you can see what these moves look like in action.
3D Brawler Sephiroth Reward
For defeating Sephiroth in the 3D Brawler arena you'll be able to purchase the Masamune Replica item in the GP Exchange, this is a Collector's Item for the Treasure Trove. You will also obtain the Trophy, Polygonal Prizefighter for Defeating Sephiroth in 3D Brawler.
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