PlayStation 5 Features

Peter Parker Spider-Man and Miles Morales Spider-Man swinging together text reads GOOD ENOUGH OR ALL TIME GREAT

Will Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on PS5 be a 10/10? - Low Poly 007

Insomniac has carried most of the PlayStation 5 generation on their backs so far. From the launch of the console with Spider-Man Miles Morales, to the technical showpiece of the PS5's SSD with…

August 1, 2023 | 09:01 EDT

Close up on Clive Rosfield and Prince Noctis

The Final Fantasy Game We Lost - Low Poly 002

Final Fantasy XVI is here, and we’ve all been eagerly awaiting the next entry in the historied role playing series from Square Enix. Upon the arrival of a game as hyped up as this, it’s only natural…

June 23, 2023 | 05:00 EDT

Sony PlayStation Studios Header

Every First-Party Sony Game Developer As of 2022

The recent purchase of Jade Raymond’s new company Haven Studios by Sony is just the latest in a long line of game developers who have joined the fold. Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) was…

March 28, 2022 | 11:00 EDT

The player character in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order onlooking enemies by a set of stairs

Next-Gen: The Backwards-Compatibility Anomaly

In the wake of the PlayStation 5 outperforming the Xbox Series X across many next-gen games, Microsoft pulled the "most powerful console" tagline from its socials. Its on-paper specs haven't…

March 17, 2021 | 12:00 EDT

PS3 PS5 Exclusives

PS3 Exclusives That Need to Come to the PS5

The next-generation PlayStation 5 console received high praise from fans and critics alike, but it remains far from perfect. One of the biggest issues to gamers is the console's lack of backwards…

January 14, 2021 | 11:00 EST

PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X

The 2020 Console War: Which Next-Gen Console is Right For You?

The next generation of gaming is upon us, and everyone’s playing favorites. Ray tracing, 8K resolution, 120 frames per second—lots of buzzwords are being thrown around the PlayStation 5 and Xbox…

October 5, 2020 | 12:00 EDT