The second major Wartales update, The Great Gosenberg, has just been released, which means that you'll be able to explore the majestic Kingdom of Gosenberg and help solve a murder. The reason you're there in the first place is that all mercenary captains such as yourself have been "invited" to help the investigation, and I don't like the look of those quotation marks.
During your time in Gosenberg you'll be interrogating the townsfolk, getting witnesses to tell their stories, and taking part in Gosenberg customs to find who murdered Broker Wylla Ald Hoevendorp, a member (or perhaps that should be ex-member, Monty Python-style) of the Brokers’ Council. As the Brokers are the ones who rule the Kingdom of Gosenberg, this is a pretty big deal.

Along with the investigation, there are a bunch of other things to try in Gosenberg. There's Rouste, which is the "most violent and enthralling sport" in Wartales, and you'll also find 2 new arenas with their own champions, a new champion, and many new regions. These regions include The Brokers' Palace, The Embassy, The Brothel (meow!), and some Manor houses. Overall, it looks like this latest major Wartales update is stuffed with content, which is good because it's been a long time since the last major Wartales update released.
As well as the above, the unit level cap has increased to 11 and the enemy level cap has increased to 12, which should make things a lot more interesting for you. Level 10 skills have also been unlocked, which means you can now change weapons during combat. It's only for the same weapon type, so a dagger for a dagger, for instance, but it should still shake up the combat a fair bit.
Would you like to see the latest Wartales update in action? Check out The Great Gosenberg trailer below!
For more information on future Wartales updates, stay tuned to TechRaptor.