Our Enshrouded Class and Skills Guide will explain how Classes and Skills work and tell you some of the best Skills to take in the game!
Surviving the world of Enshrouded is going to require more than just crafting the right items and cooking good food -- you're also going to need to pick the right Class and Skills. Read on to learn all about how they work!
How Enshrouded Classes Work
Strictly speaking, there are no Classes in Enshrouded; rather, there are skill trees associated with a particular Class Archetype. For example, spending Skill Points in the Healer Tree will tend to get you access to abilities that help you become a better healer.
It's a very free-form and loose system. That said, Skills are generally divided among the classic RPG class divisions: Warrior (tanky melee), Rogue (agile melee and ranged), and Mage (long-range spellcasting).
Enshrouded Class Archetypes
There are a total of 12 Class Archetypes in Enshrouded, split evenly between the six core stats. There are four for Constitution and Strength, four for Endurance and Dexterity, and four for Spirit and Intelligence.
Constitution / Strength Classes
Constitution/Strength Classes are effectively the tanky "warriors" of Enshrouded.
- Athlete: Focuses on staying power and endurance for melee combat.
- Barbarian: Centers on big damage-dealing attacks and two-handed weapons.
- Warrior: Increases power with bladed or piercing weapons and attack speed.
- Tank: Helps you reduce physical damage.
Endurance / Dexterity Classes
Endurance/Dexterity Classes are the "rogues" of this world, focusing on agility and trickiness.
- Survivor: Boosts your Stamina regeneration and passive buffs.
- Beastmaster: Gives you passive resistance and benefits relating to wild animals.
- Ranger: Strongly focuses on ranged attacks with bows.
- Assassin: Emphasizes critical strikes with bows and ranged weapons.
Spirit / Intelligence Classes
Spirit/Intelligence Classes are the "mages" of the world. If you prefer to sit back and unleash magical hell, this is where you're going to want to invest your Skill Points.
- Trickster: Focuses on debuffs and counterspells.
- Wizard: Increases your proficiency with Fire, Ice, or Shock spells.
- Healer: Unsurprisingly, this skill tree focuses on healing and reviving other players.
- Battlemage: Helps you specialize in using Wands.
How Skills Work in Enshrouded
Skills can be activated on the Skills Tree if you have Skill Points to spend. There are basically three types of Skills:
- Active Abilities: New, unique abilities that you couldn't do without having the associated Skill (such as Double Jump).
- Passive Abilities: New, unique abilities that activate on their own (such as Healing Revive).
- Stat Boosts: Permanent increases to your core stats.
Some Skills will require multiple Skill Points to activate, especially if they provide you a new Active Ability or Passive Ability.
How to Get More Skill Points
There are two ways to get more Skill Points
- Level up your Character
- Destroy Shroud Roots
How to Reset Your Skills
You can reset your Skills by spending resources at the Flame Altar.

Best Skills to Take in Enshrouded
Here are some of the best Skills to take in Enshrouded!
- Double Jump: Double Jump allows you to jump a second time in the air. That's it. It massively increases your ability to traverse the world and it's useful for dodging incoming enemy attacks. It offers a massive increase in mobility that's useful throughout the game.
- Updraft: On its face, Updraft is useful for extending your Glider flight range slightly. What makes this ability even more powerful, though, is that cleverly using it can allow you to glide up seemingly impossible hills and mountains. It's absolutely worth taking this Skill.
- Good Metabolism: This gives you a straight buff to restoring your health from both healing orbs and potions.
- Blink: Replaces your dodge roll with a short-range teleport. This is much more useful and greatly increases your mobility.
- Counterstrike: Gives you a chance to magically reflect damage back at your attackers.
- Shiny Plates: Gives you a 10% increase to your armor. It's a cheap way to boost your defensive capabilities.
Most of these Skills can be accessed fairly early on in the Skill Tree. Many of the later skills are more powerful, but these Skills would be useful for literally any style of play you'd like to go with.
Aside from these, the Skill Tree is generally well-balanced towards the different styles of play. Look at the Skills at the end of a Class Archetype tree and you'll find something that's pretty damn powerful.
We've reached the end of our Enshrouded Class and Skills Guide -- have a gander at our other guides below!
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