Our Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations Guide will go over how the game’s class system works, including where to unlock every Vocation across the world.

Vocation Basics
Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2 act as classes, determining the weapons and abilities that you can use. You can only have one Vocation at a time, but it can be switched freely at Vocation Guilds.
Only four vocations are available right at the start: Fighter, Archer, Mage, and Thief. These, plus Warrior and Sorcerer, are the only ones that Pawns have access to. Like with your character, your main Pawn’s vocation can be switched at Vocation Guilds.
Vocation Augments
While Vocations are mostly kept separate, you’ll want to level up most of them eventually. This is due to Augments, unlockable passive bonuses that can be equipped regardless of your current Vocation.
Each Vocation has different Augments that can be unlocked, and you can equip a total of six at any given time. It’s possible to view the Augments each Vocation has when you visit a Vocation Guild. Once unlocked, they’ll always be available for every Vocation you have.
Vocation Meisters
Meisters are the master of each vocation, who will give you new skills once you’ve bonded with them. In the case of unlocked Vocations (other than Warrior and Sorcerer), the Meisters are the characters you unlock them from.
- Thief - Blades of the Pyre (Legends Opus)
- Obtained from the Meister in the Nameless Village, found at the top manor. You'll go here for a main quest.
- Thief - Formless Feint (Pilferer's Handbook)
- Obtained from the Meister under the Manor in the Nameless Village. Completing the Trials below will get you this.
Vocation Unlock List
Fighter, Archer, Mage, and Thief
Fighter, Archer, Mage, and Thief are all available from character creation, and can be switched as soon as you reach a Vocation Guild.
The Thief meister is encountered as part of Brant's quest "The Nameless Village"

Warrior Unlock Location
After reaching Vernworth (one of the main cities in Dragon’s Dogma 2) during the main story, head to the Vocation Guild. Here, speak to the man behind the counter to learn that Warriors and Sorcerers are currently unavailable, due to a lack of weapons.
After offering to help, head to the smithy in town. He’ll point you towards a cave to the northwest, which will be marked on your map. Travel to the cave and explore to find a chest holding a greatsword. Returning the greatsword to the Vocation Guild will unlock Warrior.
Sorcerer Unlock Location
The same applies for Sorcerer, except you must find an archistaff (also inside the cave). Sorcerer shares some abilities with Mage, just with a focus on destruction rather than support.

Mystic Spearhand Unlock Location
Mystic Spearhand can be unlocked by speaking to the NPC Sigurd. He can be encountered when returning to Melve if it ends up being attacked, or at the eastern hut in Harve Village (west of Vernworth). Simply talking to him is enough to unlock the Vocation.

Magick Archer Unlock Location
Magick Archer becomes available after completing the prerequisite quest “Put a Spring in Thy Step”. Found on the south side of the map, you’ll encounter a dwarf named Gautstafr walking along the road, who is dealing with a bad back. Bring him three flowers of any kind (you’ll find some just walking along the main path).
After this, head with him to his house nearby, and he complains once again about his bad back. From there, you’ll need to escort him east to the hotspring at Volcanic Island Camp. You can speed this up by carrying him, since he’s quite slow otherwise. Do this, and his wife Cliodhna will teach you Magick Archery.
Trickster Unlock Location
Trickster becomes available as part of the main story, once you talk to the NPC Luz in Battahl.

Warfarer Unlock Location
Warfarer can be obtained via the NPC Lamond outside the hotspring in Volcanic Island Camp. You have the option to give him Newt Liqueur, of which you’ll need three to get him to talk.
There are a couple of locations that have Newt Liqueur, including Gautstafr and Cliodhna’s house, and inside the Chemical Stores of the Forbidden Magick Research Lab in Battahl. It can also be crafter using a Saurian Tail and Fruit Wine.

Vocation Improvement
Once you reach new game plus, the Dragonforged NPC in Battahl (who previously only offered equipment enhancements) will offer new services to spend Wyrmslife Crystals on.
One of these is Vocation Improvement, which boosts the amount of stats you gain when leveling up on that Vocation. This can be done for both you and your main Pawn, but only applies to one Vocation at a time.
A single skill can also be enhanced during new game plus as well via the Dragonforged. Rather than increasing its power, this cuts the stamina cost of the skill in half.
That's all for our Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations Guide! Check out more of our guides for the game below.
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