Our Dragon's Dogma 2 Upgrade Guide will go over each way you can upgrade your equipment, including the type of stats it'll gain.
Upgrading Gear
Upgrading gear in Dragon's Dogma 2 is a slightly more involved affair than in the first game. Each piece of equipment (other than capes, rings, and masks) still has four upgrade slots, shown by the squares next to it in the equipment and item menus.
The first three can be upgraded by going to weapon and armor shops. This costs gold for every step (and only gold for the first one), and materials.
However, depending on the shop you go to, you'll get different benefits. There are four regular upgrade styles in total, each changing the way your gear's stats change.

All Enhancement Types
- Vermudian - A balanced upgrade type, giving a small increase to all main stats. Also slightly decreases weight.
- Batthalan - Gives big increases to strength and physical defences, at the cost of reduced magick attack and defence increases and slightly higher weight.
- Dwarvern - Increases knockdown power and resistance, along with relatively balanced main stat increases. Also slightly increases weight.
- Elven - Increases magick attack and defence, at the cost of reduced physical stats. Also slightly reduces weight.
A Dwarvern upgrade vendor can be found relatively easy as part of the Magick Archer quest at the southern part of the map.
Meanwhile, the Elven vendor is found to the north. While you need a Pawn that understands Elvish to read the text, the upgrades there will still work either way.
Following the above, Vermudian works as a "set it and forget it" option, giving blanket stat boosts with no real downsides. Meanwhile Batthalan upgrades are good for melee, and Elven for magic. Dwarvern upgrades have more niche applications, but work well with a Warrior's hammer.

Wyrmfire Upgrades
Strengthening in Wyrmfire is the final upgrade type, taking up the fourth red upgrade slot on gear. This can be done via the Dragonforged, an NPC found alongside the coast north of Battahl.
Wyrmfire in Dragon's Dogma 2 does not use gold, and is not a randomised upgrade like in the original Dragon's Dogma. Instead, you must obtain Wyrmslife Crystals from defeating any type of Dragon or Drake. Once applied, a Wyrmfire upgrade gives a final upgrade to an item's stats, while also cutting its weight in half.
You'll want to make sure gear you plan on using for a while is upgraded via Wyrmfire, assuming you have the crystals. Most Dragons are found wandering the map randomly, though you encounter at least one during the main story.
Removing Enhancements
In your first playthrough of Dragon's Dogma 2, there is no way to remove enhancements that you have put on a piece of gear. However, once you reach new game plus, the Dragonforged will offer the option to remove them for a cost of Wyrmslife Crystals.
That's everything for our Dragon's Dogma 2 Upgrade Guide! Make sure to check out more of our guides below.
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