Capcom has announced a new Dragon's Dogma 2 update for later this month, and it's bringing what many would consider some much-needed relief for those suffering from Dragonsplague.
If you're lucky enough not to have come across Dragonsplague yet, it's an affliction that affects Pawns and can cause them to disobey your commands. They can even go as far as murdering entire towns full of NPCs if you leave this condition unchecked.
In the new update, however, the infection frequency of Dragonsplague will be reduced, and it'll be more obvious when Pawns are suffering from this affliction; they'll have more noticeable glowing eyes, for instance.

It's not just Dragonsplague, though. This update is also bringing other improvements to Pawns, many of which are aimed at making them act a little smarter.
For instance, Pawns will be less likely to fall off cliffs (although you can, of course, still throw them off of your own volition if you want to). Their voice lines should also "better match circumstances" when the update lands.
Other Pawn improvements include certain dialogue lines' frequency being reduced, as well as fixes for issues like Pawns falling silent outside combat or players being unable to high-five Pawns. It's especially devastating when you're left hanging by your Pawn, after all.
The update will bring other, smaller fixes as well. Hopefully, if you've been suffering from the after-effects of your Pawn being infected by Dragonsplague, this update should bring some solace.

We don't have a release date for the update yet, but Capcom says it'll launch on PC and consoles "as soon as [it is] ready". Hopefully, we won't have to wait too long for it.
Dragon's Dogma 2 is the sequel to the cult RPG Dragon's Dogma. It launched on March 22nd and met with an ambivalent response from the community; many praised its immersive and challenging qualities, but others criticized its performance issues and preponderance of paid DLC.
Following launch, Capcom promised to address much of the frustration expressed by the community (with the exception of microtransactions, of course). An update arrived in late March that added features like new graphics options for PS5, a New Game option when save data already exists, and more.
You can grab Dragon's Dogma 2 right now on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Make sure to check out our guides if you need a little help navigating the game's massive and complex open world.