Our Dragon's Dogma 2 The Stolen Throne Guide will go over how to get ready for this quest, and what to do to complete its main objective.

Dragon's Dogma 2 The Stolen Throne Quest Guide
As part of the main story, you’re asked by Captain Brant to attend a masquerade at Vernworth Palace. This requires you to wear the mask he gives you, along with formal clothes.
You can get these a set of formal clothes in a few places, the easiest of which being via the masquerade hall itself. If you enter during the day, you can head to the back room and take a set of clothes from a chest.
Once you have outfit equipped (no need to unequip your helmet and cape), head to the masquerade hall during midday. If it's too early (or late), you can doze off at the bench just outside the palace grounds to pass the time.
After loitering in the masquerade hall for a bit, you’ll be shown a cutscene of someone walking in the outside hallway. Follow them to the back area, and walk into the section of wall that is slightly out of place to reveal a secret passage.
The secret passage leads outside (make sure to grab the Allheal Elixir first), taking you to the rose chateau. Enter, watch the cutscenes, and then leave. Despite what the cutscene shows, none of the guards in the masquerade hall or palace will actually try to capture you once you return.
After this, feel free to re-equip your actual gear and return to Brant to complete the quest.
That's all for our Dragon's Dogma 2 The Stolen Throne Guide! Make sure to check out more of our guides below.
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