Dragon's Dogma 2 has a phenomenal world to explore, filled with danger, side quests, and tons of different items to pick up as you make your way around the map. Our Dragon's Dogma 2 Combination Guide will give you the tips and tricks you need to ensure you have a flowing supply of potions!
Having the right healing on you, and sharing it with your Pawns, is the key to staying alive in tough fights. Crafting the Mighty and Exquisite Roborants is also great for offering other players rewards for questing with your Pawn!
If you follow this guide, I'll teach you how to be a combination master in no time!!

How to Combine Items in Dragon's Dogma 2
There are two main ways to combine items - directly from your inventory, or directly from storage (tips on that below!)
- To combine items from your inventory, open the Items menu and press X/Square on Controller, or Shift on PC. You can also select the item, and choose "Combine" from the pop-out menu.
- To combine items from Storage, visit an Innkeeper or the Storage in one of your homes.
This will open up the combination menu and show you what you can combine. Not everything can be combined, which is important to know!
Craftable Items
There's a number of items that you can craft in Dragon's Dogma 2, such as:
- Potions (Healing or Status Removal)
- Roborants (Medicinal Pellets)
- Arrows (Explosive, Tarring, etc)

Roborant Recipes
Roborants are created by combining plants with dried food or fish, and there are a number of different ones. In terms of how much they heal: Roborant < Fine Roborant < Mighty Roborant < Exquisite Roborant < Miracle Roborant.
- Regular Roborants:
- Fruit Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Dried Fruit
- Roe Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Dried Fish
- Harspud Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Dried Spud
- Mincemeat Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Dried Meat
- Fine Roborants:
- Fine Fruit Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Nomad's Dried Fruit
- Fine Roe Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Exquisite Dried Fruit
- Fine Harspud Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Exquisite Dried Spud
- Fine Mincemeat Roborant: Greenwarish/Morningtide + Exquisite Dried Meat
- Mighty Roborants:
- Mighty Roborant: Cinnamon Bark + Dried Fruit
- Mighty Roborant: Cinnamon Bark + Dried Fish
- Mighty Roborant: Cinnamon Bark + Dried Spud
- Mighty Roborant: Cinnamon Bark + Dried Meat
- Exquisite Roborants:
- Exquisite Roborant: Saurian Tail + Fruit Roborant
- Exquisite Roborant: Saurian Tail + Roe Roborant
- Exquisite Roborant: Saurian Tail + Harspud Roborant
- Exquisite Roborant: Saurian Tail + Mincemeat Roborant
- Miracle Roborants:
- Miracle Roborant: Saurian Tail + Fine Fruit Roborant
- Miracle Roborant: Saurian Tail + Fine Roe Roborant
- Miracle Roborant: Saurian Tail + Fine Harspud Roborant
- Miracle Roborant: Saurian Tail + Fine Mincemeat Roborant
Potion Recipes
- Salubrious Draught (Healing) - Greenwarish + Any Fruit
- Quenching Syrup (Remove Fire/Torched Debilitation) - Syrupwort Leaf + Syrupwort Leaf
- Detoxifying Decoction (Remove Blighted/Poison) - Syrupwort Leaf + Pitywort
- Sobering Tonic (Remove unconscious) - Morningtide + Grandpetal
- Waking Powder (Remove sleep) - Grandpetal + Grandpetal
- Wicking Remedy (Remove Tarred) - Cinnamon Bark + Cinnamon Bark
- Parching Concoction (Remove Drenched) - Hill Beech Bark + Hill Beech Bark
Arrow Recipes
- Drenching Arrow (Drench Status) - Withered Branches + Syrupwort Leaf
- Blighting Arrow (Blight Status) - Withered Branches + Poison Pinion
- Explosive Arrow (Explodes) - Withered Branches + Sunbloom
- Tarring Arrow (Tars) - Withered Branches + Lantern Oil
Other Combinables
There's a few other items you can combine:
- Newt Liquor - Saurian Tail + Fruit Wine
- This is used to unlock the Warfarer Vocation!
- Bunch of Flowers - Sunbloom/Noonbloom/Moonglow + Sunbloom/Noonbloom/Moonglow
- Used for quest(s), helpful for gifting to NPCs to increase Bond.

How To Get Ripe Fruit and Aged Fish in Dragon's Dogma 2
If you're like me, you may have accidentally skipped past the tutorial for how items become ripe or aged, but you'll want to pay close attention because to make the best Roborants, you'll need ripe fruit or aged fish!
If you want Ripe Fruit or Ripe Fish - you'll need to carry Fruit (such as Apples, Grapes, Figs, Quince, Strawberries) and Fish (Such as Tideswimmer, Shorefish) in your inventory for a period of time, but not too long or they'll go rotten!
- Rotten Food DOES have a use: Combine it to create Latern Oil.
Generally, 1.5-2 in-game days is enough to ripen fruit. Beyond that it will go rotten, making it worthless for combination. Check your inventory every time you camp or sleep, and quickly combine them to create Dried Fruit and Dried Fish!
Tips and Tricks for Combining Items
There's a lot of options below, so here's a few quick tips for item combination!
- Save Saurian Tails and Cinnamon Bark to ensure you can make higher-tier Roborants later on!
- If you only have 1 Ripe or Aged item, you can put it into storage and it won't go rotten.
- Fruit or Fish in Storage won't age or go rotten.
- Dried Fish and Dried Food won't go rotten.
- Rotten Food is worth 3G, but if you combine 2, you'll get Lantern Oil, worth 35G.
- To keep your inventory small, you can deposit all of your fruit, fish, plants, and more into Storage and combine directly from storage!
That's it for this guide, if it helped you out - check out some of the others below!
Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at tips@techraptor.net