Star Wars Unlimited is a brand new collectible card game (CCG - a card game sold in randomized packs) from Fantasy Flight Games, and it launched recently with its first set Spark of Rebellion. As with all CCGs, a meta of the top-tier decks quickly emerged, and in this article, we're going to talk about the 3 most prevalent decks that you might see or hear about.
If you want to know what the game is about, how it plays and the different formats you can play, then check out our Star Wars Unlimited Guide. You can also check out our Star Wars Unlimited Spark of Rebellion review and also our own Star Wars Unlimited Booster Box opening.
What Are The Best Star Wars Unlimited Decks?
CCG decks roughly fall into 3 core areas, Aggro, Midrange, and Control. These names point to the types of decks and the speed at which they function.
Aggro decks are fast and aggressive, looking to flood the game with cheap units and head straight for victory in the quickest way possible, usually not worrying about what your opponent is doing, instead making them keep up and react to your plays.
Midrange decks look at a slightly slower game than Aggro and look for cost-effective units and combos, taking the early damage from Aggro decks and then out-pacing them with stronger units with better abilities.
Control decks play the long slow game. They look to control the play area with removal and counter abilities, denying the opponent at every opportunity, and building up for a big finish, or a steady rate of damage dealing.
Off-meta decks and hybrid decks also appear, as well as specific combination decks, but they usually fall into one of the above 3 categories.

What's In The Sabine Wren Aggro Deck?
Sabine's Aggro playstyle is to flood the board with cheap units and attack your opponent from the off, with other units boosting attacks and chipping away at base damage.
The deck above, which can be viewed in full here and is just intended as a guide to the cards you can expect to see in the deck.
Most of the cards in the deck cost 2 or 3, with only 12 cards costing above that in this deck example. The idea being that you start the game playing cheap units like SpecForce Soldier, Green Squadron A-Wing, and Sabine Wren Explosives Artist to get the pressure early on your opponent.
After the initial few waves of aggressive attacks, the deck has cards like Fighters for Freedom, which damage the enemy base whenever you play an Aggression (red) aspect, and For A Cause I Believe In, which damages the opponent's base for each Heroism card (white) from the top 4 of your deck that are revealed, and as there are only 3 non Heroism cards, it's a good chance you'll do 4 damage. For A Cause also has the added bonus of allowing you to discard any of those revealed cards and reorder the rest before putting them back on your deck. which helps control your draws for the next few turns.
Cards like Medal Ceremony and Wing Leader help to keep the pressure on your opponent by giving experience tokens to units in play (which gives them +1 power and health) and the deck's highest resource cost card, the Guerilla Attack Pod can attack the turn it's played if a base has 15 damage, and due to the Grit special rule, it deals more damage as it takes damage.

What's In The Boba Fett Midrange Deck?
Boba Fett's style allows you to reuse resources, filling the board with quality units and using the Superlaser Technicians to ramp up resources in play so that you can play higher cost cards before your opponent.
The deck above can be viewed here and is just intended as a guide to the cards you can expect to see in the deck.
Fett's leader ability allows you to ready a resource when an enemy leaves play, which is extremely powerful early game for pushing out several low-cost units. One of those units is the Superlaser Technician, which when it leaves play, is turned into a resource. This can put you ahead of your opponent, allowing you to get 2 extremely powerful cards out earlier than you should. Those 2 cards are Darth Vader Commanding the First Legion, and Fett's Firespray Pursuing the Bounty.
Both Vader and the Firespray will be attacking on the turn they arrive, meaning that unless your opponent has adequate defenses to deal with them, they can easily control the game from that point on. Combined with Boba Fett, Disintegrator, who can deal damage well beyond his 3 cost, it puts a lot of pressure on your opponent and then continues to add pressure with the resources it's built up.
With 2 sets of 3 legendaries and the Firespray being a very sought-after Rare, this deck can be expensive to put together, but it is currently dominating the tournament scene, and it is seeing an extremely high player rate in the top rankings of tournaments.

What's In The Iden Versio Control Deck?
Iden Versio allows you to heal your base after an enemy unit is defeated, this combined with some resource ramping and lots of removal cards, lets them ride out the early game and drop some hard-hitting units in the late game.
The deck above can be viewed here and is just intended as a guide to the cards you can expect to see in the deck.
Control decks aim to let their opponents burn themselves out, which Iden Control does through units with higher health points that early Aggro decks can deal, and with base healing. This combined with ramping up their resources with Superlaser Technician and Resupply, for some huge hitting late-game units like Darth Vader Commanding the First Legion and Avenger Hunting Star Destroyer. It also then uses removal like Vanquish and Power of the Dark Side so that its own powerful units can finish off the enemy base.
This version of the deck uses several Legendaries and sought-after Rares, so like the Fett deck, it's not budget-friendly, but if you like denying your opponent of all their plans, and then laying waste with Vader and Star Destroyers, then this is the deck for you.
The Star Wars Unlimted products used to produce this guide were provided by Asmodee UK
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