In our Aska Villager Guide, we'll tell you how to summon villagers, how to keep villagers alive, and how villager Perks work.
Villagers are critical to your success in Aska; they can help with building, farming, and even crafting items. You'll have to take care of villagers just as they take care of you and each other — in this guide, we'll tell you what you need to know about keeping your villagers happy (and alive!).
How to Summon Villagers
You can summon villagers in Aska by building The Eye of Odin, placing 5 Jotun Blood inside of it, and activating The Eye of Odin. You must then choose between two villagers. Each villager will reveal 2 of their 5 random Perks.
Once you've made a decision, a 10-minute countdown will elapse while the Villager is summoned in. The Eye of Odin will be empty after the villager is summoned and it must be filled again to summon another villager.
Keep in mind that Villagers will need food, water, and shelter (among other things). Don't bring in too many villagers too quickly or you might find your Settlement running out of food and water!
How to Meet Your Villagers' Needs
All villagers have six core needs that you'll have to meet to keep them happy and alive. Here are those needs and what you need to do to keep them fulfilled.
- Housing: Your villager needs somewhere to sleep and live. Provide them with a Shelter or a bed in a Cottage or Longhouse. Homeless villagers will lose Morale quickly.
- Health: This is a measure of your villager's HP. If it goes to 0, they die, and you cannot revive that villager. Health will go down if Food, Water, or Warmth reach 0 or if a Villager is injured by an enemy.
- Food: As you might expect, you'll need to provide food to your villagers to keep them alive. You can forage some food yourself and place it in storage, trade it to your villagers, or drop it on the ground. Larger villagers will require multiple villagers gathering and farming food.
- Water: Water can be provided by Rain Collectors and Water Wells. You can also store Water in a Warehouse to address any imbalances in your water supply.
- Rest: Villagers need to sleep; make sure to adjust their schedules so that they have enough time to get the rest they need.
- Warmth: The cold of Winter will decrease the Warmth stat, and reaching 0 Warmth can cause a villager to freeze to death. You should provide at least one Campfire and keep it lit throughout the entire Winter season.
- Morale: This is a measure of overall villager happiness. You can keep Morale high by providing enough leisure time and meeting all of your villagers' other needs, including housing.

How Villager Perks Work
Villager Perks are a set of five random permanent buffs or debuffs that apply to a villager. You can see two of the five Perks when you are choosing between two villagers to summon via The Eye of Odin; the other three Perks are secret until the Villager actually arrives.
Some Perks have positive effects, some Perks have negative effects, and some Perks have both positive and negative effects. Typically, Perks will give villagers advantages or disadvantages with certain jobs, so make sure to assign your villagers to work that takes advantage of their Perks while avoiding any potential downsides.
Potential Aska Villager Perks
Here is a list of all of the potential Aska Villager Perks we've found thus far.
- Athlete: I have great Stamina that comes with great Thirst.
- Battle Scarred Veteran: I've endured numerous conflicts and skirmishes, and my scars have toughened me, enhancing my overall health.
- Bear Power: Heavy hitter, heavy eater. I have increased strength, but I tend to eat more than the norm.
- Blossom Tender: I have a unique ability to nurture and cultivate plants during the Spring seasons, significantly boosting crop yields and flower production.
- Chill Sensitive: I'm particularly susceptible to cold and have a hard time staying warm in freezing temperatures.
- Cold Resistance: I can endure cold for longer periods than the average villager.
- Craftsman: I excel in creating tools, weapons, and other workshop items.
- Feeble Logger: I lack physical strength for effective woodcutting.
- Forager's Instinct: I have a strong connection with the natural world, and I'm able to gather more resources and maximize the bounty of the land.
- Harvest Blessing: I excel in harvesting crops and gathering resources during the fall. My efficiency and yield during this season are unmatched.
- Hydration Expert: I have an innate sense of when to drink and how to conserve water, reducing my daily water consumption.
- Iron Lungs: I run longer, I sleep more often.
- Iron Stomach: I can endure extreme hunger without experiencing severe mood penalties, making me more resilient during food shortages.
- Mighty Vigor: I possess exceptional stamina and strength, allowing me to perform physically demanding tasks for extended periods without fatigue.
- Monk Body: I eat less, but also have a smaller health pool
- Night Shadow: I excel in the darkness, feeling a mood boost when active at night but experiencing a mood penalty when awake during the day.
- Nocturnal Resilience: I thrive in the serene night, enduring the cold with greater fortitude than others.
- Rain Dancer: I have a mystical connection with the rain. When it falls, it uplifts my spirits, filling me with joy and purpose.
- Resilient Surge: I find my inner strength when my health is at its lowest. This grants me a burst of stamina to continue fighting or completing essential tasks.
- Rocker: I am proficient in stone mining, but I eat more than the normal villager.
- Snow Strider: I move more efficiently in snowy weather, making tasks like carrying large items and gathering resources easier.
- Soggy Discomfort: I become extremely uncomfortable and unhappy on rainy days, with a strong aversion to wet weather. My productivity and overall happiness are reduced.
- Steadfast Resolve: I possess unwavering mental fortitude, which makes me immune to anxiety debuffs, allowing me to remain resolute and focused even in the face of adversity.
- Stone Clumsy: Breaking stones is a challenge for me, and it takes extra effort to gather stone materials.
- Stonebreaker: I excel at breaking stones with this perk, ensuring a steady supply of stones, big and small.
- Stormrider Unease: I'm weather-sensitive and I have reduced productivity during heavy rain.
- Stout Constitution: I'm less prone to illnesses like "Cold," "Sore Throat," "Intoxication," and "Food Poisoning" due to my strong immune system.
- Summer Angler: During the Summer season, my fishing skills reach their peak. I possess an innate understanding of fish behavior in warm waters, allowing me to secure abundant catches.
- Sunrise Vigilant:
- Thirsty Giant: I am a person with a large health pool, but I get thirsty much faster.
- Tireless Vitality: I have tireless vitality with this perk, allowing me to recover from fatigue and working injuries more rapidly.
- Wildling: I am a natural-born hunter with a hearty appetite.
- Wind Rider: I'm a seasoned traveler of the open plains and coastal areas, honing my skills to endure the fiercest winds with ease.
- Winter Huntsman:
- Winter Resilience:
We're all done with our Aska Villager Guide, but you can learn more about this game in our other guides below!
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