This Aska Map Guide will tell you how the map works in Aska and it highlights several notable locations that you can find in the world.
The map in Aska is full of wonderful food and other resources, but it also has some ancient monuments to explore. In this guide, we'll tell you how the map works and we'll also show you some of the interesting places you can find in your travels.
How the Aska Map Works

The Aska Map is randomly generated depending on the seed that was entered when you started the game. The entire map is an island surrounded by the ocean. You can only reveal the map by exploring it on foot.
Notable Locations in Aska
Here are some of the notable locations that you can find on the island in Aska.
Draugr Field
The Draugr Field is an open field filled with oddly shaped stones. Concealed amongst the stones are several Draugr that are lying in wait and standing utterly still; they will awaken and attack you (or your villagers) if you get too close.
Follower Tree
The Follower Tree is a dead, corrupted tree surrounded by bloody ground. It is patrolled by a Follower, an incredibly tough creature that can damage you very quickly.
Do not approach the Follower Tree unless you have a bow and at least 40 Wooden Arrows; it's best to fight this enemy by shooting it from afar and rolling out of the way when it attacks. Fighting a Follower in solo melee combat is extremely dangerous.
Massive Tree (Yggdrasil?)
The Massive Tree appears to be a reference to Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Viking mythology. It is surrounded by dozens of enemies of all types and it should not be approached lightly.
Statue Monument
The Statue Monument is a large, chained statue that is surrounded by skeletons.
Stone Jotun Portal
The Stone Jotun Portal is a large portal embedded in the ground in an open field surrounded by pillars. It can be used to summon the Stone Jotun Boss. Take care, as this is a pretty tough fight.
Sword Monument
The Sword Monument is notable for having a gigantic stone sword as its centerpiece. You'll find skeletons surrounding it, and you might find Jotun Blood on the altars.
Winter Invasion Portal
The Winter Invasion Portal is the spawn location for the Winter Invasion enemies. It appears after the invasion has been announced. The portal will vanish once the invasion has concluded.
Wrecked Ship
The Wrecked Ship looks similar to the ship that brought you to the island, but this location is somewhat less friendly — it's surrounded by numerous Wights.
Wulfar Den
The Wulfar Den is where Wulfars (wolves) will regularly spawn; you can expect to find 2–3 Wulfars around it at any one time. This is a good place to get Raw Red Meat for cooking; you can also capture Wulfar Pups by placing a trap near here.
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