Aliens Fireteam Elite Releases New Patch Details

Aliens: Fireteam Elite is an online co-op game that needs to keep gameplay tight and this latest patch may help with that.

Published: June 21, 2022 3:09 PM /


Aliens Fireteam Elite

The Alien franchise has produced many games, the most recent being Aliens: Fireteam Elite, which will be getting updated. Announced both on the game's official website and its Steam, Patch will be applying some technical and aesthetic fixes to the game. Since it's an online co-op experience, this patch will work to address some of the more noticeable performance issues.

The New Aliens: Fireteam Elite Patch

Since its release in August of 2021, the Aliens: Fireteam Elite community has remained active by logging hundreds of players a day based on Steam Charts. However, since it advertises itself as an online game, Cold Iron Studios has worked to keep them running smoothly. The latest patch will add on to this with a number of fixes. Among them is an important animation update that fixes how the Heirloom Standoff weapon reloads. In terms of Class Kits, specifically the Lancer, the Horde Slayer Kit Skin now unlocks properly for all players who complete Horde Mode on Extreme difficulty or higher. The Intel screen is fixed so that each topic is now organized based on the order in which the player finds them. Lastly, the patch fixes an issue with memory that has been known to crash the game.

The Alien series really took off with the sequel film Aliens in 1986 which Aliens: Fireteam Elite tries to imitate. Players play alongside AI or player-controlled teammates who are sent into specific locations overrun by Xenomorphs. Though its co-op gameplay is similar to Left 4 Dead, there's greater placement on the team dynamic. There are several classes that players can choose from that all have access to different weaponry and tech to take on the mission. Aside from the story-based Campaign, there are other modes such as Horde where players can test their skills and teamwork.

With the Pathogen DLC scheduled to come out in August, Aliens: Fireteam Elite still has time to work on some more updates. With Patch, the devs are working towards a smoother and more functional experience.

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Hey, I'm Will Q.
| Staff Writer
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Learn More About Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Cold Iron Studios
Release Date
August 24, 2021 (Calendar)
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